Watch the tutorial too!
Watch the tutorial too!
I just purchased the InterNACHI Commercial Inspection template along with the ASTM / ADA template from HomeGage for a package price of $149.00 last week. They both seem like they have inspections where one would be better than the other, but I can see myself using the InterNACHI ComSOP more than the ASTM E-2018-01.
Very nice work! It was definately worth spending the money for these templates. It would have taken way too much of my time to create them myself.
Just did a 2000 square foot auto body shop today that is going to be converted into a custom bicycle manufacturing company. I an using the InterNACHI Commercial Template I bought a couple weeks ago to do this inspection. Should be pretty easy the way the flow of the template is laid out.
I am using the new template also and have found it useful and time saving as well. I am wondering if I should use it to create an appartment template for an 8 plex I am doing on Wednesday or should I simply use the mulit-family template from homegauge. What do you all do for apartment buildings?
Watch the tutorial video on the HomeGauge website about adding different buildings to the template. For an 8 apartment building, the ComSOP template should be a breeze compared to the ASTM template or Multi Family templates.