Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We are contacting every hotel in http://www.nachi.org/events.htm to inform them that if they permit scumbag NAHI to follow us around and hold meetings just prior to ours that we are not coming back to that hotel again.
Originally Posted By: psisler This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is just another Home Inspection Association trying to get off the ground. Be it NAHI, ASHI, whatever, they are going to do their damn best to get to the point where NACHI is today. I am sure that there are some disgruntled ex-NACHI as well as other associations that are their make-up. We have seen this for over two years and it is no surprise.
No matter what one may think about NACHI, there is one thing for sure..NACHI takes care of their own as well as ALL of it's surrounding communities. I really try to read the board everyday. There is a myraid of support and advice from members all over the sector. If these people were not satisfied they would not be here.
Being honest, loyal, ethically forthright, legal, helpful, and just downright being a human being to others is what I enjoy about being a member of NACHI. I have been approached many times to join other organizations. For the life of me, I cannot understand why they call when we have everything we need here (and that we don't have, NACHI Staff and it's members are constantly working on to make better).
I for one take this with a grain of salt. I am grateful for Nick Gromicko and his totally competent staff as well as all of our many board members and educators to endure this with taste. It's just a little bump in the road. To all NACHI members, this is OUR place. We decide what we want. Support NACHI, support each other. JMO.
Originally Posted By: dgriffith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I beleive NACHI should be flattered that another organization believes their future depends on riding the coat tails of the industry leader and since NACHI is for bettering the HI industry it shouldn’t bother anyone that an inspector from another org. wants to better his or her skills by attending our convention. Who knows, NACHI may gain new members.
Originally Posted By: dbowers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Nick -
As a member of NACHI, ASHI and NAHI I try to keep fairly up to date on the goings on of all groups. I teach CE classes for inspectors in all 3 groups and get literature and emails from all very regular. I haven't seen what you're referring to and can't find it on their web site. Wheres it at?
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
with us on that one. Instead they decided to just sponge off our convention… thus hitting a new low in the trade association world.
I'm crude at times. I admit it. But you don't see me crashing parties, attending other association's events uninvited or posting on other association's message boards for good reason. I have a little class and self respect. Scumbag NAHI has none. Leeches.
Originally Posted By: gbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I was just wondering if the space was made available because the CMI program was canceled for the convention? It was three days of training starting on the 1st of Feburary.
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![eusa_wall.gif](upload://hILV5Z8gRVLwzVpRIDJEm01uB52.gif) DOOH....I have had the Google toolbar for months and never noticed the spell check sitting right there in front of me until you mentioned it.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If the course we have recently submitted, as well as the one I am putting the finishing touches on now, get approved in time, we still may have Illinois approved CE at the convention.