NACHI offers to buy out NAHI.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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I wanted you to hear it here first. For several months, I’ve been in back and forth discussion with Mallory Anderson, Executive Director of NAHI (another much smaller association). I recently made an offer to buy NAHI. I’ll let you know if/when I get their response. I hope you all understand that I can’t divulge the number$ unless they accept.

I didn't like doing this negotiation alone without letting everyone know and I would be sick if you heard about it through the grapevine so I just wanted to tell you myself.


PS We really don't need them and they are sort of a bland (no offense Mallory) association. Discussions have been going on too long for me to even care at this point. Onwards and upwards.

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi Nick

Good move NAHI have been a good organization in the past, but as we know have had declining membership over the last few years, many of their members are also NACHI guys, its a good fit.
They have some good things going for them but do not have the drive through the membership that we have to let them grow again. I know that philosophically they think much as we do, and I would love to see their members find a home here, we can do much for them and their member experience would be a great asset to our organization.

Good deal on both sides, I hope it works.


Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail :
NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"

Originally Posted By: gjohnson
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This could definately be a good move in the right direction. It seems as if they have really become stale and we could do a lot to help their current membership. Plus give us a small boost.

Gary (Snicker's) Johnson - Free NACHOS
The NACHI Foundation
Executive Director


Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I wonder what the ASHI boys think about that! ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: mmazzitello
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As a new member of NACHI and an “Associate” member of NAHI for about 9 months, I’d cheer the idea of the buy out because, in IMHO they (NAHI) needs some help in the education/seminar department as well as the general support department.

They have all kinds of meetings (somewhere) but have yet to be contacted by anyone in my vicinity (Which is why I want to start a NACHI chapter in my area of MN and WI..more on that soon )

But since joining I can say I have not gotten 1 inspection as a result of membership, and I can say that other than putting their logo on my website it has proven an empty place to put money.......sorry

So if NACHI buys out NAHI I'd say we could make a difference and organize to help our fellow inspectors in my area. Just seems very odd that NAHI headquarter is in Minnesota and not-much-is-happening if anything as far as fostering collaboration, improvement of skill-sets, education, or anything....just kinda dead....

I will get down off my soap box now and just my 2-cents....


Originally Posted By: Steve Yared
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Nick, it seems inappropriate to make mention of this until a deal is signed and sealed, it seems like you are the one starting a rumor. The offer may not be significant and could go no where, time will tell. In the meantime doubt is placed in the minds of NAHI members as to the future of that association. Is this how NACHI wishes to make announcements?

just a thought.

Steve Yared

The Home Examiner LLC


Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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Time will tell where this thing goes. As to Nick's somewhat premature announcement, I think its a lot of fun.

Imagine for a moment that NACHI does indeed take ove NAHI. This would be a really good thing for a lot of NAHI inspectors who currently receive little or no support or value from their organization. I havent heard a lot coming out of NAHI these days.

The other reality is that many ASHI inspectors may want to leave their current org, but may not be ready to jump into NACHIs open arms. They have heard bad things about us for so long, that they need some help to get past it. The old saying that rumor becomes fact, and fact becomes truth, weighs heavily in the minds of some NACHI detractors. A NAHI collaboration of buy out may help open some folk's eyes as to what NACHI is really about: its MEMBERS.

Nick is an open and honest guy. He's incredibly proud of there this org is these days. He's equally excited at the prospect of NACHI taking over NAHI. Again, he's having fun. If any doubt is in the minds of current NAHI members, it should be as to what their membership fees go toward, and what their association is doing for them.

Joe Farsetta

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I understand what you're saying but you have to look at it from my side. We don't want secret deals being cut by anyone of us at NACHI. I've made that mistake once before and got close to making it twice before.

I am actually trying to dispel a rumor that NACHI secretly bought and already owns NAHI (We didn't and we don't).

I just think by now (actually earlier) I should tell everyone I tried to buy NAHI. Honesty is the best policy in member-driven association. If I goofed at all it was in doing anything without hashing it out on our board first. My conversations with NAHI over the past 3 months just drifted that way.

At this point NAHI has neither rejected or accepted the offer. I also offered Mallory a job (only if NAHI sells out to NACHI). Mallory Anderson, NAHI's Executive Director can be contacted at:


Originally Posted By: gjohnson
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I think that for this organization what Nick is doing is definately the right thing. If he puts everything out in the open then there are no goofy suprises later on down in life.

Gary (Snicker’s) Johnson - Free NACHOS

The NACHI Foundation

Executive Director


Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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What would we get anyway? A shell organization and slow web site? If NAHI members want to join they’re welcome. Buying NAHI doesn’t mean we get their members, especially if we just announce it one day:

"Hey all you NAHI guys... add a C in there starting Monday!"

I don't see it happening. I'd love if we got some of their best inspectors to come over here of their own free will... but buying them?


Originally Posted By: mrose
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Are you going to buy ASHI?

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

Best regards,

Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA

Originally Posted By: jburkeson
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Deleted… icon_biggrin.gif

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Originally Posted By: Nick Ostrowski
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I’m currently a regular NAHI member only. One of the things I like about NAHI is that they afforded me the opportunity to start my home inspection career after riding along on 100 inspections. ASHI wants their inspectors to be involved in at least 250 before flying solo which is OK. It’s their organization and they can set whatever rules they want for membership. I think about switching over to ASHI when I reach my 250 but I also consider the fact that if it was up to them, I’d still be in ride-along mode. However, some realtors have ASHI-itis and have told me they only pass along the names of ASHI inspectors to their clients. I’m not sure I want to be associated with those individuals.

While my NAHI membership has allowed me start inspecting earlier than ASHI membership would, I have wondered at times what my NAHI membership dues are getting me. I know I haven't gotten one inspection from their website. Everything I've gotten so far has been through my own efforts which is nice but it would be nice to know my home inspection organization is helping the cause.

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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So, tell me... why aren't you a member of NACHI? We DO help our members, and embrace new inspectors. Our membership dues are a cheap date. and we're a good bunch of guys (and gals) to boot!

Go ahead... take the plunge...

Joe Farsetta

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I’ve never said this but I’ll say it now… only once…

I think one has to be absolutely nuts not to join NACHI. Business is nothing more than a series of trades... sometimes you trade your time for money... sometimes you trade your money for advertising... sometimes you trade your... well you get it. Each trade has to be positive for your company. Make enough positive trades and you get rich. I can't imagine any better trade than $289 for a NACHI membership.

If I was in the home inspection business (which I'm not) and had $300 in my hand, I'd join NACHI, give $10 to the NACHI Foundation, and buy a cup of coffee.

All three would improve your business.

End sales pitch.


Originally Posted By: Steve Alexander
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Hey Nick Ostrowski!

You don't have to go on any ride alongs before you can go solo. ![icon_rolleyes.gif](upload://iqxt7ABYC2TEBomNkCmZARIrQr6.gif)

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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On the other side of that arguement I do believe they would see great value in their assocation with us. I don't think Nick was starting rumors, just stating facts which are always welcome here. I like the fact that everyone here is upfront with information and straightforward with delivering that information. If NAHI members are that uncertain of their membership they have bigger problems than we could imagine.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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Excellent move, Nick.

Lets see what happens. I hope for the best. icon_wink.gif


David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: jrooff
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A premature question I know but has there been any thought about trying to keep existing chapters alive of NAHI as NACHI chapters? There are 2 of there chapters within 4-6 hours from me and I would travel there to attend some meetings.

Another question is, have you talked about a merger rather than a buy out or is this not an option or prudent way to go?

What are we looking at in numbers of inspector to gain approx.?

What is the objective of buying a somewhat stagnant Association? (not meant to down grade NAHI, just from what I’ve read here.)

I understand buying your competition out.

Please don’t get me wrong I’m behind you all the way and it would be great to have a chapter closer to us in Iowa if it works out that way.

Only the most admiration coming from me, from what you top notch guys have accomplished just since I’ve been aboard NACHI. Keep it up and lets kick some A…