Job market report on Friday is absurd

99,000 new private sector jobs, but 51,000 new government jobs! Government jobs aren’t jobs, those are costs to those who have jobs in the private sector. If we keep hiring a new government employees (who we have to feed) for every two of us who get a job in the productive economy, we’re back to slavery. We just can’t feed all these government employees. Not financially possible. We’ll all have to work two jobs. One to feed our families and one to feed some government employee’s family.

We had a record 396,000 Americans that took on a second job in September. Most of the 99,000 new private sector jobs in October went to people who already had jobs. And we lost 35,000 more manufacturing jobs (inflationary, BTW). This is nuts. We simply can’t afford all this government.

Someone has to get elected who can stop this train wreck.




It is better to look at the government employment number as it relates to the overall population size, in my opinion. For the most part, we have been trending downwards for some time.


Stop with the facts Ryan!!! :upside_down_face:

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Sorry. Won’t happen again! :wink: :blush:

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You know they hate facts, :stuck_out_tongue:

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That would be Trump. EDIT… He won in 2020 he will win again in 2024.


Didn’t happen under his first term, why would it happen if he gets a second term?


Trump is the CIC right now, why wouldn’t he win the 2024 election?

He didn’t even win in 2016. That election was rigged and there is 3000 mules that can prove it…just waiting on the 2000 from 2020…

Please explain?

Does not change Nick’s point. Government is too big. It is slowly killing us with a thousand slices. A hiring freeze should have been implemented decades ago.

This is not a new theory. Smaller government and less taxes. But no one is listening and look where we are today. We have built castles in the sand.

The youth are blaming boomers for it and they are not wrong. They’ll inherit their parents money but this will be the end of the line.


Uh, no. I’ll give you a proof by extremes: If no American had a job, in other words, if every American was unemployed, your graph would still be the same. Your graph showing government employees as a % of population wouldn’t change.

The graph you want (and I can’t find) is the total cost of government employees vs. total private sector wages and I guarantee you that % is way up. Private sector wages aren’t keeping up with government hiring. That’s why we have a record number of Americans with second jobs to make ends meet.


Interesting Tom “show me the money”.

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I can’t say it any more plainer or simpler than that.

Almost as importantly, private sector fringe benefits are severely lacking government sector fringe benefits.

My bad, I didn’t realize the post was about compensation though. I thought it was about number of employees.

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Ok. Just not sure how to address your reply to me. :man_shrugging:


I know it is hard to comprehend… you DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW, UNTIL YOU KNOW IT :wink: :wink:

Dave could not have been more clear. Its the CIC. You know, the CIC, right?
Let me help everyone out that is not as smart as Dave. Obviously, CIC means one of the following.

Acronym Definition
CIC Combat Information Center
CIC Committee on Institutional Cooperation
CIC Citizenship and Immigration Canada
CIC Community Interest Company (UK Department of Trade and Industry)
CIC Chico (Amtrak station code; Chico, CA)
CIC Certified Insurance Counselor
CIC Council of Independent Colleges (Washington, DC, USA)
CIC Central Information Commission (India)
CIC Convention Industry Council
CIC Customer Interaction Center
CIC Centre d’Investigation Clinique (French: Clinical Investigation Center)
CIC Completely in the Canal (hearing aid)
CIC Construction Industry Council (UK and US)
CIC Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (French: Citizenship and Immigration Canada)
CIC Commander in Chief
CIC Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (Spanish: Catechism of the Catholic Church)
CIC China Investment Corporation (wealth fund)
CIC Center for International Cooperation (various locations)
CIC Case in Chief
CIC Cable in the Classroom (cable industry education foundation)
CIC Cambridge Innovation Center (Massachusetts)
CIC Carrier Identification Code
CIC Chemical Institute of Canada
CIC Collision Industry Conference
CIC Central Insurance Companies (est. 1876)
CIC Common Interest Community (various locations)
CIC Circuit Identification Code
CIC Canadian Islamic Congress (religious group)
CIC Cisco Info Center
CIC Cincinnati Insurance Company (Ohio)
CIC Code of Canon Law (Latin: Codex Iuris Canonici)
CIC Collaborative Innovation Center (Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA)
CIC Chamber of Industry and Commerce (various locations)
CIC Catholic Information Center
CIC Community Information Centre
CIC Credit Information Company (various companies)
CIC Change-In-Control
CIC Citizens Information Centre (Ireland)
CIC Cinema International Corporation (film distribution; various locations)
CIC Captive Insurance Company
CIC Customer Interface Card
CIC Computationally Intensive Computing
CIC Computer Interface Card
CIC Continuous Information Capture
CIC Cisco Information Center
CIC Cell Invisibility Cache
CIC Cable in Conduit
CIC Clinical Investigation Center (Minnesota)
CIC Culinary Institute of Charleston (Charleston, SC)
CIC Crédit Industriel et Commercial (French bank group)
CIC Capital Investment Committee (various locations)
CIC Clean Intermittent Catheterization
CIC Consumer Information Center
CIC California Insurance Company
CIC Coordination and Information Center
CIC Commission on Interracial Cooperation (est. 1919)
CIC Canada-Israel Committee
CIC Cambridge International Centre (various locations)
CIC Chartered Investment Counselor
CIC Commission on Integration and Cohesion (UK)
CIC Christians in Commerce (various locations)
CIC Centro de Investigación en Computación (International Conference on Computing)
CIC Council of Islamic Courts
CIC Carcinogen Identification Committee (California)
CIC Chronic Idiopathic Constipation
CIC Critical Illness Cover (insurance)
CIC Ciclesonide
CIC Concepts in Concrete (Houston, TX)
CIC Counterintelligence Center (US DoD)
CIC Canadian International College (New Cairo, Egypt)
CIC Community Investment Corporation
CIC Central Iowa Chapter (various organizations)
CIC Controller-In-Charge
CIC Certified in Infection Control (nursing)
CIC Certified Irrigation Contractor
CIC Chesapeake Innovation Center (Maryland)
CIC Ceylon Indian Congress (Sri Lanka; est 1939; now Ceylon Workers’ Congress)
CIC Community Insurance Company (Ohio)
CIC Counterintelligence Corps
CIC Chemical Industry Council
CIC Choices in Childbirth (New York, NY)
CIC Command Information Center
CIC Canadian Immigration and Citizenship
CIC Canadian Innovation Centre
CIC Combat Intelligence Center (Marine Corps; US DoD)
CIC International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation
CIC Community Investment Committee (United Way)
CIC Communications Interface Controller (US DoD)
CIC Combined Intelligence Committee (US and UK)
CIC Chaudronnerie Industrielle du Centre (French: Industrial Boilermaking Center)
CIC Computer-Integrated Construction
CIC Circulating Immune Complex
CIC Cochlear Implant Center (various locations)
CIC Cadet Instructor Cadre (now Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service)
CIC Conflict of Interest Committee (various organizations)
CIC Current Issues Committee (various organizations)
CIC Charles in Charge (TV show)
CIC Centro Internazionale Crocevia
CIC Criminal Investigation Command
CIC Cellule Interministérielle de Crise (French: Interministerial Crisis Committee)
CIC Certified Insurance Consultant
CIC Cleveland Indians Charities (est. 1989; Cleveland, OH)
CIC Creative Incentive Coalition
CIC Catawba Island Club (Ohio)
CIC California Innovation Corridor
CIC Cause It’s Cool
CIC Copper-Invar-Copper
CIC Campus Information Centers (University of Michigan)
CIC Customer Identification Code
CIC Coupon Information Center
CIC Coast Is Clear
CIC Community Intervention Center
CIC Chauffage Individuel Centralisé (French: Centralized Individual Heating)
CIC Collegiate Inventors Competition
CIC Centre International de Conférences (French: International Conference Center)
CIC Credit Institute of Canada
CIC Coalition Information Center
CIC Committee on Information and Communications
CIC Corporate Information Center
CIC Creation Is Crucifixion
CIC Chemically Imbalanced Comedy (Chicago, IL)
CIC Climatic Impacts Centre
CIC Combined Intelligence Center
CIC Crew Interface Coordinator (NASA)
CIC Colloid and Interface Chemistry (Denmark)
CIC Centro Internacional de Convenciones (Spanish: International Conventions Center; Medellín, Colombia)
CIC Cadet in Charge
CIC Catalina Island Conservancy
CIC Church Insurance Company
CIC Country Identification Code
CIC Cuban Council of Churches
CIC Consultants and Independent Contractors
CIC Clinical Information Consultancy (part of the National Health Service, England)
CIC Community Informatics Corps (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
CIC Computing Information Center
CIC Centro Insular de Cultura
CIC Canadian Insurance Course (Canadian Securities Institute)
CIC Canada Immigration Center
CIC Cycle International Court (French: International Court Cycle)
CIC Catalog Item Code
CIC Content Indicator Code
CIC Christ I’m Confused
CIC Coordinated Industry Cases (US IRS)
CIC Connecticut Invention Convention
CIC Community Improvement Council
CIC Combined Injectable Contraceptive
CIC Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (Portugal)
CIC Cult Information Center
CIC Concours International Combiné (French equestrian event)
CIC Chico, CA, USA - Chico Municipal Air Terminal (Airport Code)
CIC Computing, Information and Communications Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
CIC Close in Combat
CIC Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway Company
CIC Centre for Intelligent Control
CIC Catalogue Item Confirmation
CIC Cisco Integrated Client (VPN client-softwares’ built-in firewall)
CIC Competition Index Control (National Hot Rod Association Competition Eliminator Class)
CIC Capital Investment Council
CIC Circuit Identifier Code
CIC Commonwealth Interoperability Coordinator (Virginia)
CIC Clean Islands Council (Oil Spill Response, Hawaii)
CIC Communications Interface Coordinator (NASA)
CIC Core Instructor Course
CIC Cascaded Integrator and Comb (decimator-interpolator)
CIC College of Immaculate Conception (Port of Spain, Trinidad)
CIC Continuous Improvement Coordinator
CIC Contraceptifs Injectables Combinés (French: Combined Injectable Contraceptives)
CIC Call Instance Code
CIC Children in Crisis, Inc.
CIC Citizens’ Investigative Commission (private action group)
CIC Controlled Item Code
CIC Clerk in Charge
CIC Computer Interface & Control
CIC Chemistry Information Centre (Berlin, Germany)
CIC Combat Integration Capability
CIC Commercial Industry Caucus
CIC Chair-Control Indicate Capability
CIC Command Integration Center
CIC Cardioinhibitory Center
CIC Compensated Ion Chamber
CIC Clinton Investigative Commission (political action site/group)
CIC Command Interface Control
CIC Continuing Improvement Council
CIC Centre d’Information de la Couleur (French: Color Information Center; est. 1952)
CIC Crisis Information Center (UN)
CIC Current Injection Control
CIC Curriculum Integration Coordinator
CIC Center for Interethnic Cooperation (Russia)
CIC Committed Interaction Contract
CIC Computational Intelligence Centre
CIC Chinese Institute of Communication
CIC Combat In Cities
CIC Control and Information Center (NASA)
CIC Critical Intelligence Category
CIC Customer Initiated Call
CIC Central Integrated Checkout
CIC Computer Interface Control Unit
CIC Credit InfoCenter
CIC CEBus Industry Consortium
CIC Cassava Information Centre (Colombia)
CIC Committee to Impeach Clinton (political action site/group)
CIC Compliance and Insurance Corporation (Philippines)
CIC Concrete on Rolled I-Beam Continuous (civil engineering)
CIC Contractor Initiated Change (construction)
CIC Code Is Cool (programming slang)
CIC Centro de Inteligencia Católica (Guatemala religious group)
CIC Communications Interface Control
CIC Call Inquiry Command
CIC Combat Integration Cell
CIC Contractor Information Center
CIC Classroom Instructor Course
CIC Centrul de Informare a Cetateanului (Romania)
CIC Collective Investments Center
CIC Computer Interface Cabinet
CIC Computers, Information and Communications
CIC Customer Information Call
CIC Communications Interface Cabinet (light rail, Dallas, Texas)
CIC Crane Institute Certification (crane operator certification)
CIC Converter Interface Controller (AN/FSC-78B SATCOM terminal)
CIC Controlled Item Category
CIC Container Identification Code
CIC Crowell’s Intensity Camp
CIC Claim Imaging Center (insurance)
CIC Cloudiness Intercomparison Campaign (US NOAA)
CIC Cockpit Interface Computer
CIC Creative Industries Commission
CIC Cathay Israel Chemistry
CIC Coordinating Instructional Council

Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.

Suggest new definition


It is, lol. And you’re not helping!

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