Job opportunities?

Hello everyone. I am a home inspector for a little over a year now in south Jersey. Started my own business. I have a lot of Realtor contacts, but houses are scarce in this market. Having a very hard time getting jobs. Between insurance, and Home Gauge, etc… Its costing me way more than I’m making. I’m lucky if I get a job a month. Has anyone ever tried getting work through an insurance company??? Is that a possibility for home inspectors? Any ideas? Much appreciated. Mariann

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Mariann, try contacting some CMIs or CPIs within 40 to 50 miles, or farther, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring.

Here is the link for CMIs: Find a Certified Master Inspector®

And the link for CPIs: Find Certified Home Inspectors Near You - InterNACHI®

And Mentors: Home Inspector Mentoring - InterNACHI® and InterNACHI® - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors

Also, you may want to take advantage of your Education Team at for specific questions e.g. 15 Steps to Become a Successful Home Inspector - InterNACHI® and InterNACHI® Master Class for Home Inspectors . And there is the new training cards app Chris Morrell, our CEO, offers: New training app for home inspectors

And there is the Helpful How-To Videos - InterNACHI® for many other things. And the InterNACHI online education page: How do I navigate the InterNACHI online education page? | InterNACHI FAQ


Thanks Larry,
I actually did become a CMI as well. Since I wasn’t working I had time to study LOL! I have been mentoring with an awesome inspector but its for free so I need to make some money. I keep trying but I will try your suggestions. Thanks!

Job Status : Independent Contractor
Location : Brick Township, NJ
Compensation: Flat Rate per Inspection or Hourly; Varies by Client Requirements.

Commercial Insurance Inspectors provide reports to the insurance industry. These reports include information to assist in the underwriting of an insurance policy; as well as any necessary recommendations to improve the risk associated with that policy.

During your visit you will conduct an interview, survey/inspect the premises, identify hazards/controls, take digital photographs, and make any necessary recommendations to improve risk. The majority of inspections will also call for buildings to be measured, square footage calculated, and diagrams produced.

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Mariann, fill out your signature for free generic SEO.

And here is how:

SIGNATURE: Click on your face in the upper right hand corner of this page. Then click on the bell. Then click on preferences. Then click on profile and scroll down to signature and fill out the information that you want to appear under every post that you make. AND LAST, scroll to the bottom of the page and click SAVE CHANGES.


I thought one needed a minimum of 3 years experience to become a CMI. Was this not the case for you?


LOL your right CPI, sorry

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Thank you Bryce
I just applied, I’ll let you know if I hear back. Thanks again

Yep, and 1000 fee paid inspections!

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Technically it doesn’t have to just be inspections, correct? According to NACHI it can be a combination of inspections and training.


It’s a tough time right now so don’t get too discouraged. Short supply of houses, spiking interest rates and a stock market in freefall. Add in the tail end of a pandemic and a huge amount of political and world unrest and it’s pretty easy to see why there aren’t a lot of inspections to be had.

I recently moved to a new area and am somewhat starting all over again and am struggling to get much traction. My multi-inspector company that I still own is doing okay but nothing great. Our April 2022 was terrible compared to April 2021. May is already looking better but things are just volatile.

I’ve been getting a bit of work doing draw inspections for banks that found me here on the InterNachi site so definitely get all your info setup here. These don’t pay much but can be repetitive and if you get a neighborhood of houses next to one another it can pay off decent. Insurance inspections are a turn and burn industry from what I’ve seen. I have a buddy that got hooked up with them (no HI experience) and he was getting $15-$20 per stop and paying all his own travel and auto expenses. From what he describes it sounds almost like a multi-level marking scheme.

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You got it, Ryan.

From link above:

Every Certified Master Inspector® must:

  1. have completed 1,000 fee-paid inspections and/or hours of education (combined);
  2. have been in the inspection business for at least three years;
  3. agree to abide by the inspection industry’s toughest Code of Ethics;
  4. agree to periodic criminal background checks; and
  5. submit the application and the one-time fee (no annual dues, ever).