Joe Farsetta Back in Canada?

**I’m trying to convince Joe to come to Toronto to teach his Commercial and Well Sampler courses! **
I asked him this morning during a Tel. conversation if he would consider coming here again. As busy as he is with Inspections and other ventures he agreed to come here. If we can get 20 students to attend he will teach the courses!!
This is a 2 day course that is a must for all inspectors to attend!

How many inspectors in the area would be interested in these courses and what would be the best time of the year for you to attend?

Please post responses here or send me an e-mail

Joe can you please list the cost to attend these courses in CAD$

I would attend a commercial course, April may June should be marked out though

Jan Feb or early March?

Exactly what I was thinking David

I’d be up for the commercial as well. Feb-Mar is good for me.

I atteneded Joe’s course when he was in Kingston and I believe it is a must if you are unfamiliar with commercial work and are considering taking it on. The cost will be worth it, I just completed a restaurant inspection yesterday with a team of sub contractors that Joe recommends you do in commercial work for fee of around $2,000. So you can earn the money spent back quite easily if you pay attention. The commercial template that he helped put together for the Home Inspector Pro software was also a very big help. Attend if you can, it will be worth it.

We just had a great training course at our facility,holds over 30 students, classroom style training,with projector power point etc.
29 students attended
I have a tremendously large student data base and can fill it no problem
he can cut the costs for we are willing to let him use our training facility for FREE!! if that interests him???


**That is great! Let’s do it! **
We allready have some interest here on the MB and David Cook will be happy it is close to his place of residence!
I believe Joe has revamped his allready amazing commercial course.
I have allready taken Joe’s class and I agree with Jerry, it is a must if you do commercial inspections!
BTW I will be taking Joe’s class again as a refresher course!


**Happy to hear everything went well for you bro!! **

BTW I just received a call from an inspector that needs help with a commercial inspection in Toronto. I attended a few college courses with this man. You never know when or from where your next inspection will come from!


Please keep me updated on this proposed seminar. Joe was suppose to come to New England, but it appears that he’s not going to make it due to lack of interest of inspectors in my area.

If the R/E market is still calm by the time this seminar is scheduled, I’m going to fly out there to attend. Also, it would be great to finally meet all of you.

Count me in…

I will David!!

It would great to finally meet you as well!!!

Thanks for your help to Mario, I posted some pictures in the electrical section. Scary!

March 14/15 Sat & Sun would be the available dates that we can run the course at our School
If Joe can for sure confirm those dates we can then proceed further


I will gladly come to Canada and will take you up on your most gracious offer!

The dates look fine…

OK than, Allan can you handle the registration, payment and classroom for this event?

**Allan, **

Can you also recommend hotels and restaurants for the area?

I will personally supply the coffee and donuts/muffins for both days! Is there a Timmies near your school?

This is sweet! It’s right near my area as well, the dates look good too, make it happen boys;)

will start working on in tomorrow,but need Joe to contact me so we can talk further/fees?

Mario…If the course happens before April, May, I would like to attend. Come Spring, Im back to 7 days a week again 'til Christmas.
If Held in Alliston, I can stay In Thornbury free.

To all Canada Inspectors. We had Joe down to teach the commercial and well class. We had a great group of guy and Joe made it real easy to stay interested in the material. I am glad to see that he is making it up your way. So come one come all to the greatest class set forth for the Canadian Inspectors. :mrgreen:

Count me in for this.