John Bubbler Thread

If ya don’t like the thread just simply stay out of it.
The man knows what he’s talking about & takes his time exposing scumbags defrauding the public.

I’m sure if you had a question pertaining to his expertise he’d go out of his way to help you.


Having dealt with building foundations, water proofing, and basements for my 45 year career, I can appreciate Bubba’s unorthodox method of teaching others what waterproofing is all about.
Keep on trucking the Milk.


I have no problem with a dip****

I just suggested his own thread where his inane ramblings can be enjoyed by his faithful follwers.

some basements leak, when they do stop the water. I got it around 2007 when his name was different.

You are a classic BIG jerk Marcel! You really like to spout your supposed knowledge, But you smell highly like a fraud.Oh! yeah!
I’d bet! You were most likely were pulled off the tit too soon.Jerk!

He has only tried to inform us about what he knows best and not in an unorthodox manner.
Bubba keep on doing what you are doing Brother no matter what the ding bats have to say…OK? . And not not like some wannabes on the board.
Can someone take fault in that?
Keep on posting Bubba !
I have read every post he has done. And they are always informative.Yep!
Even thought we don’t have those in Florida, but crawlspaces come to mind.
I’ll pay for him to become an active member, but I’m sure he is happy where he is is at.

  1. Thankfully there are no real basements for us Roy we don’t have to deal with it.
  2. I’ll split the membership fee with you…
    I gotta feeling our money is safe :wink:

Its a deal Marc?
How bout it Bubba?

Move the Fu*k on then! OK?

lol :slight_smile:

Don’t worry, his meds will kick in shortly.

Fix you website before you start harping…
Just look at this.
Did you cut and paste from word…?
Look at all the �…Whats up with that? Huh?
You asked for it…Now! Didn’t you?
I wouldn’t hire you to do my dogs house with a site like that. Nope!
Here it is ladies and gentlemen…Read it a weep…LOL!
Check it out for you all self… I ain’t lying ! nope!

This is even more humorous…

Thanks Roy. :slight_smile:

Haha! Just messin’ with you Brother…OK? LOL!

All good.
Ya my Web page is definitely messed up, been like that for awhile now, I think my contract is up in October.

By the way what time do you need me to check that Dog House?

Call me and we will schedule an appointment…
I hope you don’t mind fleas and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Huh?
I like you…Yep!

Listen you dipsh$t, if you can’t read, leave the post alone.
Unorthodox way of writing is what I meant. I guess you failed to read the word appreciate.

I am friend with Bubba.
So keep your ignorant comments to yourself.

And I am not bragging, I enjoy reading Bubba’s comments. \

Sorry to write something beyond your comprehension.

I probably forgot more than you will ever know buddy.

Have a good night. :slight_smile:

Fuc* you jerk!
You are doing the back peddle now after you spewed your nonsense.
Shut up and go back into your hole.
No one needs you.
How that heart? Still chugging away… Unfortunately for most of us.
The people that show it…Don’t have it!
The people that have it …Don’t show it. Huh?
Got ya!

Does AZ even have basements?

I rest my case with you.
Why NACHI has you on the list I will never know.

Good job Brian 312 views so far!
Last one who posts wins… he he