is this pitched up and sloped away enough for the bubbleheads? "n why are many mortar joints and the parging deteriorating?
brick basement walls, basement leaks geez i wonder why?
is it leaking because of you think it needs 1 mile long downspout ext?
you wanna try n divert SURFACE water, you don’t care about deteriorating mortar joints, bricks, parging, exterior cracks man? lolll NO, some home inspectors do not, Gus the supposed brilliant college leakYYY detective doesn’t
so recommend better grading or french fry drain or INT system and sump pump and allow this type of shtt to get worse for buyers = idiots, folks get your HI fee back if any HI gives you incompetent ideas like those
you really think grading keeps all water OFF-OF the exterior of basement walls man? lolll
what about those who have roots against a wall that cause some of these problems, just leave them there right? = more idiocy
Miami condo, sure allow water to sit on, against, penetrate concrete n walls etc, sure good idea Gus n freinds
Maybe if DannYYY took all his empty beer cans n placed them along a pitched grade on every leaky basement, maybe that would do duh trick
side wall, more deteriorating parging, bricks
Had the home inspector been any good at all on this subject then this young couple would have had a chance to bid less or walk from this joint but again, waaaay too many home inspectors erroneously claim they ‘inspect’ basement, basement walls, moisture intrusion etc, flat out suck - Billy B New England, “Do your job”. Take less time inspecting door bells 'n light bulbs n shtt n more time on this sht, NOT, no they won’t lolll , hll man, some don’t get up on any roofs to inspect them, just like quite a few city inspectors. Tell some of ya’s cry babies here what, you admit you are incompetent as hell on this subject aka suck, n Bubba will fly away to dairy farm