Kansas At It Again

This is interesting reading from the KAREI group in Wichita (the 2 leaders are Jeff Barnes and Kerry Parham local ASHI members). I doubt seriously if anyone of them mentioned to the news media WHY the Gov really dropped the Home Inspectors Board. Oh to have ANOTHER list and ONLY their guys are qualified to inspect a house …

New message from KAREI
[FONT=arial]-----Original Message-----
From: KAREI Membership Admin <members@karei.org>

Sent: Fri, Jan 24, 2014
Subject: KAREI.ORG in the News - Update your free listing ASAP

 Next week an article will run in the Kansas Association of Realtor’s  (KAR) newsletter stating that home inspectors are now unregulated.   It  will explain that inspectors are no longer required to provide proof of  minimum competency, insurance, or financial bond.  The article will  encourage their members to go to KAREI.ORG to find a zip code searchable  database of formally registered Kansas Home Inspectors where their  qualifications are on display.  

Last week a fairly long article regarding loss of home inspector regulations ran in the Sunday business section of the Wichita Eagle newspaper and referenced KAREI.ORG.

We have recently provided information to Channel 5 news in Kansas City for a story they are working on regarding home inspectors and I believe they will link the story to KAREI.ORG at their own website.

Topeka Capital Journal will begin running a series of articles regarding various aspects of the home inspection process from both a buyers and sellers standpoint beginning on Saturday, February 1st. We provided the background for this article and it will cite KAREI.ORG as a resource.

We are currently working on longer articles to run soon in the electronic versions of Realtor newsletters published by KCRAR (Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors), WAAR (Wichita Area Association of Realtors), and possibly KAR.

About half of the registered home inspectors in Kansas list their address within 50 miles of Kansas City. We are currently reviewing advertising rates and options with KCRAR and will be placing advertising for the KAREI site as soon as we can establish a reasonable budget.

All this effort only works for you if you take the time to log-on and update your member profile. **Those listed that do not update their profiles do not have a logo next to their name and therefore, appear to lack certification. ** Your listing is free, all you need to do is take a few minutes and log-on. In our November 25th email, you can find your password and a brief tutorial at the bottom of the page helping to explain the process. If you have any problems, just send me an email and I can likely help answer any questions, or call me at (316) 393-4043.

Thanks for your attention and help in making our new website as complete and useful as possible.

Kerry Parham, President


All agents knew this last April that these laws were going to go away. Stating all this stuff now is a waste, and these people that are trying to stir the pot again will just be laughed at.

Check out the real reasons why these laws were abolished at the message board thread above. These people are nothing but a bunch of whiners.

This so-called Kansas home inspection association has few, if any, members. I have never heard of many of the HI’s listed on their site. It seems that they lack real education and experience, and do not know how to perform a real home inspection. Why do these inspectors want licensing? They need to become real home inspectors, inspect homes and write reports above their own minimum basic standards, and serve the home buyers properly. They are wasting their own, and the newspapers and media outlets, time and effort.

Again, why do these people want licensing so bad?

The sad part is, Molly is the best home inspector that organization has.

Thanks for the post much appreciated Any upgrades are appreciated … Roy