Ladder safety on steps

FYI - For the new inspectors I had a 1945 house inspection today with the attic access over the basement stairwell. The stairs were steep and painted so to avoid the obvious danger of the ladder slipping I secured it to the steps with a ratchet strap I carry in my truck.


great idea!


Good Idea! Thank you for sharing.

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So if you couldn’t get under the stringer what would you have done?

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I would have added a wrap around the bottom rung only because as it is, the ladder can twist but this is loads better than nothing. Smart move.

That said, I often trim palm trees that are narrower than my ladder. I ratchet strap the top to the tree every time. It’s the only way to be secure and worth the few moments it takes.

As to what to do if you can’t wrap around the stairs? You could prop something(2x4) against the opening at the top, even if you have to put it on the other side of the door and run the strap under the door. Ratchet it tight to a bottom rung. It would tend to want to lift, but not an issue once weight is on it.

If I couldn’t secure the ladder to my satisfaction I would had said the attic was not accessible due to ladder safety concerns.


Cool idea but in 20+ years of inspecting I don’t ever recall having the feet of my ladder slide out from under me far enough to fall off the tread. And, if they had, I imagine they’d just keep going and I’d be screwed anyway. I know it’s scary setting up next to a stair tread but it’s really no different than anywhere else. Don’t set your ladder up in a manner that it will move… at all.


Thanks for posting Randy.

Ladder safety is something that should be top of mind anytime we put one up to climb.


I have also never had a ladder go out from under me.

But I also had this happen(see Video) on my property when I was getting my Kitchen rebuilt. Two differences, one, the ladder was missing feet, two, the deck was Advantech and it’s slippery as all get out. The kid was alright, mostly because he was like 21 or something.

I just don’t fool around with ladders, I won’t use one on a step without it being secured somehow. There is simply no margin for error.

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thats rough

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Smart thinking Randy.