Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m not exactly sure as to what you are referring to when you say misleading the public. I too started as a building inspector in 1984 until 1991. I then went to college for a degree in construction from 92 to 97 (and in the summers worked carpentry building homes) and then worked as a project manager for a general contractor from 97 till I decided to chuck it all and do this. My life has been spent in construction. You have got a pair, I’ll give you that much.
Originally Posted By: jmichalski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
By the way, I, nor does anyone in this company, belong to WAHI and will no longer be a member of this organization when my membership expires. And yes I did pay!
And we will sorely miss your wisdom and eloquence.
Originally Posted By: jedwards This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
rberger wrote:
Well @sshole I may not be able to post, but at least I can spell!
Perhaps, but your grammar and punctuation can use some serious work.
May I make a suggestion? Go ahead and resign your membership now. Posting on this public board, bashing NACHI and its members and using terms like "@sshole" while your membership status is "yes" might be considered pretty "unslick" marketing by your potential clients.
Just something to think about, and worth what it cost you. Good luck.
Originally Posted By: cradan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
rberger wrote:
I have made 5 mistakes tonight. I went to the NACHI website, looked at this forum, took offense at your entry, replied in an open forum, and continue to post to it....However, even with having to be certified there are still individuals that should not be in this business! While these inexperienced inspectors are essentially giving themselves on-the-job training it makes things that much more difficult on every inspector that is qualified.
1.) You don't like NACHI, it's message board, and apparently some or all of its Members.
2.) You're offended by light-hearted message threads.
3.) You're offended by Kevin McMahon.
4.) You're offended by your State's apparently weak Certification Standards...whatever those may be.
4.) You're hugely offended by anyone who wishes to compete with your 15+ years of experience, particularly if they're relatively inexperienced and anywhere near your market area.
5.) You're a crappy marketer and/or salesman, and as a result, "inexperienced inspectors" who spend any time at all trying to learn effective ways to increase their market share in an environment populated by helpful mentoring-types such as yourself should be tarred and feathered for stealing your business...er, I mean, ripping-off the consuming public.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Is it that time of the month?
You have quite an attitude for someone who's trying to get more business. Maybe that's your problem, you're approaching Realtors and potential Clients with a negative attitude. You need to take a good look at yourself.
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
rberger wrote:
I have never participated in this forun and probably will never again. However while other spend too much time in this forum pretending to be a home inspector, other inspectors and inspection companies are flourishing. Why? Because slick marketing won't solve all of your problems. icon_question.gif
Some of us are big boys here. We come to the board before or after work or during breaks. Some of us are even here while we have our slick marketing person out doing our slick marketing for us. That scenario has certainly worked well for me over the last ten years. Sometimes the contenders spot the pretenders pretending to be the contenders in their first few posts. Other times they just call them like they see them. JERK!
J.O. your humor is outstanding as always. Forun, now that's funny, I don't care who you are, that's funny.