Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Where no NACHI member seems to be taking the initiative to set up a local chapter http://www.nachi.org/form.htm NACHI staff is setting up state associations. They are working on WI, MN, and IA now. We hope that someone will come forward to take over and then we can just hand off the state inspection associations to them.
Our plans are to do this for every state and every province in Canada.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I enjoy belonging to NACHI so much, I’d love to “step up”, and if I had a business that was already rolling along, that’s what I’d do. However, my business is not rolling along and I need to put forth the majority of my efforts on getting it moving in the right direction.
So far, I've enjoyed not having any other NACHI guys around me that use the same marketing ideas and techniques. It makes my company unique. (most belong to ASHI, or no national affiliation at all.)
That said, if and when my company does start rolling along, I'd like to help out anyway that I can, or even get a chapter started if need be.
Originally Posted By: mkober This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Did Nick neglect to mention the $500 honorarium per sanctioned NACHI event that goes to the Chapter President, as well as the $100 per hour NACHI pays for association billable hours? That would almost make it worthwhile to step up and start the Cheesehead Chapter, wouldn't it? Of course, you should probably verify the exact dollar amounts with Nick--things change pretty rapidly around NACHI! Oh, and by the way, I think someone just slipped some hallucinogen into my Leinenkugels, too.
Originally Posted By: loconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
My business is very very slow. However, I started a chapter back in April. Granted, I have not done much with it, but a little at a time. That's how you can do it.
Besides, now is the time you want to start the chapter...before you get too busy. Then the other officers and members can help out where needed, when you get so busy, your head will be spinning. 
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Randall, nice to see you post. Always looked forward to meeting you at a WAHI meeting.
Where did you get that quote from? I don’t remember stating that.
BTW, I've sent a few potential clients in your direction if they call me looking for UDC or Rental weatherization inspections. I don't perform those. You're the closest NACHI member to me.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Ok…I understand…you weren’t quoting me, you were telling me off. It’s ok. I understand.
I always knew you were a member of NACHI since the minute I joined here. I was basically talking about participating members. Those that don’t participate, generally are in this org. for the website presence it’s search engine brings, which in itself is well worth the cost of membership. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I chose to come here and learn a few things, and share a few ideas. Sorry if I seemed to have ticked you off.
I am well aware at how just about each and every inspector in and around our general area is faring. Some better than others. Some that have been in the business for awhile have a pretty good referral base that generates work. That’s terrific. I’m new and still building my referral base. It will take time. Telling me that I am pretending to be a home inspector by posting here seems beneath you, but then again I don’t even know you. I work hard at doing this, and get pretty good reviews from my clients, but like all of us, I learn more every day.
I have never heard a bad word about you, I have never said a bad word about you, nor have I actually never heard anything at all about you. I simply referred people to you because you were a NACHI member and I figured we would be local colleagues. Apparently, I was wrong.