I’m considering becoming Level I certified in IR. I currently don’t do IR and don’t own an imager.
What is the BEST place/company to get training from AND WHY?
Thank you in advance.
I went with Infraspection. They’ve been around for a long time, plus Jim Sefrin is super helpful. They also train you without any bias towards a camera manufacturer.
You do not need a cam to take level 1, but it always helps to have one to play with and do the little exercises during the course.
I took the online training since I couldn’t get away for a week. I recommend them.
Ditto that On Jim S but in all fairness ITC puts on a good class and they were not bias on their camera I have attended both you can not go wrong with either
Jim Has distance learning which is very good
Thanks Charley, that’s good to know!
Is anyone making money with IR. I have considered doing the training and have considerable experience as a water damage technician. The market seems saturated in my state with energy efficiency folks to the level that I do not want to even invest in a camera. I don’t need one to chase moisture as I have extensive training and cert regarding that. It has really kept me from wanting to jump in. What are other’s experience in this regard and please share how you are marketing this and making it work for yourselves. Someone talk me into this! Thank!
If you talk to Charley, he includes his IR imaging into his home inspections. This has worked really well for him. I add on another fee for the use of the cam and this worked really for me. So each market is different and business is different. When I took the training and bought the cam, I knew I was going to expand my business to commercial inspection. So, it depends on your future business plans too.
It has been well worth the investment for me.
Dear Jeff:
Great questions!
With proper care and planning, infrared thermography provides several significant opportunities for home and building inspectors.
As a home inspector, infrared thermography can help you to expand your business and increase revenue. Adding thermography to your existing services can also be advantageous in competitive situations when you are seen as being on ‘the cutting edge’ of technology.
Should you choose to go beyond home inspections, thermographic inspections for commercial and industrial facilities can provide a cash flow in excess of $200,000 per year. Typical applications for these facilities include, but are not limited to, electrical and mechanical systems, HVAC systems, building envelopes, and flat roofs.
In order to maximize your chances for success, you will need to acquire an imager sufficient to the application(s) you intend to provide. You will also need to become certified to at least Level I.
The best advice I can offer is to take your training before you buy an imager. Doing so will allow you to see the many applications of thermography and enable you to make an informed decision regarding an imager purchase.
Should you care to learn more about the potential of thermography, I would invite you to check out our web-based short course, Infrared Thermography for Home and Building Inspectors. This 29 minute presentation is available 24/7 and is free to NACHI members.
If you are ready to start your infrared training now, I would recommend either Infraspection Institute’s 32 hour Level I course or our 16 hour course, Infrared Inspections for Home and Building Inspectors. Both are availble as open enrollment classes or via our web-based distance learning program.
Should you have further questions, you may also contact me directly. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to supporting your future endeavors.
Jeff, you won’t go wrong following Jim Seffrin’s advice.
Price comparisons?
Let me say one thing. No going off the wall at John…
If you consider Johns course and what is received, than its is a great start up entry level.
Ask yourself one question…Know what you can bare financially.
NOTE: Now, everything has to be taken into consideration here.
Camera deals, the idea of having a useful start off certification. Entry level so you can get up and making money and have the basic down pat!!!
I am about to enroll in one of the two level one courses.
What do I need?
1: Distance learning. 2: Price of the education. 3: Will the cert be beneficial.
I have been pricing what is in my area. 2000 start up for level 1
I see Infraspection being the best provider for me.
WHY? Dale, Bill and the gang at NACBI are behind the company. That is a referral in my opinion.
Now, no busting John’s chops here. If you do then you are being biased and providing NO FACTS as to what the individual needs.
Start up entry level, to make some money, and then move ahead if you feel the market in your area can bare Infrared service provider and are you will to expand. invest and follow or add another financial service to your company.
No more…No less!.
I be seeing you shortly Jim.
If one does not make money with IR you are listening to the wrong people. Pay no attention to the guy that bought a IR camera and 6 months later sold it and proclaims he made no money.
I set my own standards for home inspections that include some IR. There are certain items that are included in every inspection. Some say I give my IR away those some guys have no clue what I do. I raised my prices as high as the market would bear in my area and trippled my inspections. I also jumped into the commercial IR ,hotels factories electrical scan and I luv flat roof scans even from helicopters.
If you don’t make money in IR there is something smelling in Denmark;-)
I could not agree more.
I’m with Charley on that note. I do “a percentage” of my services using thermgraphy.
Charley, your statement about, individuals should be able to make money from thermography, remember, not all know how to market there wares ** A large portion of Start Up Business fail within the first 3 years.* Its more like 18 months.
There can be many reasons why businesses failing, it is mostly form being ill prepared to do what you have to. That is working long hours and much much harder, than working for someone else 9 to 5 as you well know.
Best regards.
I and my staff look forward to working with you. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to assist you.
Bill, Charley, Nick, and John:
Thank you all for the kind words.
Thank you.
Regards, Robert.