Looking for Qualified Inspectors

Hi Everyone,

My name is Cristine and I am the office manager for Ameripro Inspection Corporation. We use www.inspectorocity.com for some of our online marketing and have received several requests for inspections this weekend in areas we do not currently have affiliates.

If any of you are interested in subcontracting with us to complete these and any other inspections we get from the site, please forward your resumes to jobs@ameriproinspect.com. Currently, I am looking for an inspector in Baltimore, Maryland, Central California and Southwest Georgia.

Even if you do not live in these areas, we get requests for insepctions via this website almost daily. Send your resume in and we’ll be glad to keep it on file.

If you have any questions, let me know!

Thanks so much,

Have you checked all the laws for each state?

In SC, you must be a licensed home inspector to even OFFER home inspections.