Luxaire age

I’m having problems with the age of this Luxaire furnace, maybe I wrote some letters down wrong.
serial# EDUP009006 or 3388958817 any ideas?

[FONT=AGaramond-Bold][size=4][size=2]It depends on the vintage of the furnace, Mitch, but this may help you. (You may have written some #s down wrong.):[/size]

[/size][/FONT][FONT=AGaramond-Regular][size=4]Formerly a part of Westinghouse,[/size][/FONT]
[size=4][FONT=AGaramond-Regular]now part of York with sister brands Coleman,
Evcon, Moncrief, Fraser-Johnston and Home Air
to name some of them.

**[size=4]York – How to determine the age or manufacture date **

Every effort is undertaken to offer you correct and concise information to assist you in determining the age or manufacture date of HVAC equipment. Anytime anyone is dealing with numbers and letters in determining data, mistakes and misinterpretation are bound to happen. For this reason if you find during your research that we may have erred please contact us. In addition perhaps you have come across a brand, model or serial number format that we have not addressed. Email us information or pictures of data/nomenclature plates of the unit and we will attempt to assist you in your determinations. <A href="">Email

York** – October 2004 thru Present day **
Serial Number format: 0A5123456
(This serial number is fictitious).

Using the first, second and third digits which will you will find the month and year of manufacture. The second digit is the month of manufacture and first digit combined with the third digit is the year. This unit was manufactured in January, 2005.

Year of manufacture: 0A5123456
Use the following chart to determine year.

*To determine year of manufacture combine the first digit and third digit. Example: 04 = 2004; 05 = 2005; etc. *

Month of manufacture: 0A5123456
Use the following chart to determine month.

*A = January *

*B = February *

*C = March *

*D = April *

*E = May *

*F = June *

*G = July *

*H = August *

*The letter “I” was not used *

*J = September *

*K = October *

*L = November *

*M = December *

York** – 1971 thru September 2004 **
Serial Number format: EFBM210830

Using the second and third digits which will always be in letter format EFBM210830 you will find the month and year of manufacture. The second digit is the month of manufacture and third digit is the year. This unit was manufactured in June of 1972 or 1993.

Year of manufacture: EFBM210830
Use the following chart to determine year.

A = 1971 or 1992

B = 1972 or 1993

C = 1973 or 1994

D = 1974 or 1995

E = 1975 or 1996

F = 1976 or 1997

G = 1977 or 1998

H = 1978 or 1999

I was not used

J = 1979 or 2000

K = 1980 or 2001

L = 1981 or 2002

M = 1982 or 2003

N = 1983 or 2004 (except October, November, and December. See below.)

O was not used

P = 1984

Q was not used

R = 1985

S = 1986

T = 1987

U was not used

V = 1988

W = 1999

X = 1990

Y = 1991

Month of manufacture: EFBM210830
Use the following chart to determine month.

*A = January *

*B = February *

*C = March *

*D = April *

*E = May *

*F = June *

*G = July *

*H = August *

*The letter “I” was not used *

*The letter “J” was not used *

*K = September *

*L = October *

*M = November *

*N = December *


Thanks, Larry