I saw this LVL shimming in a new construction today; 1600 sq ft, 3/2, on a crawl. I’ve never seen shims used in this manner. I presume it’s acceptable, but I don’t have a construction background and just want to make sure. Thanks for any feedback!
You have to look in the manufacturer’s technical documentation. Some of the intermediate blocks may not be long enough in the direction parallel to the beam.
When you stop and think that a minimum of 1.5 inches of end bearing is typically required for an LVL beam, according to most manufacturers and building codes, what I see in those pictures would not alarm me at all.
looks like pretty neat work from ohio…
Looks good & neat from Michigan, too.
Thanks everyone. I went to the manufacturers website and waded through a ton of span charts. I didn’t see anything related to the shims. Noting that, for the most part, the rest of you are relatively ok with the setup, I feel a little more comfortable with it. I’m sure if far exceeds Alabama standards. Thanks for the feedback.
What I see is that it should be anchored to the concrete.
Not on the shaky ground in MY inspection area. No way. But maybe your ground stays put most of the time?
Hey Bryce, yeah, things pretty much stay put here in Alabama. Unless there’s beer involved.
Here is the link to the manufacturer’s chart that shows required bearing length at the end and intermediate bearing points, see page 4.
Some of the beams appear to be able to rotate. That should be reported.
As well, footings are not visible.