Maine Property Management Company Settles EPA Claims of Lead Paint Notification Violations!OpenDocument
"Families have a right to know about possible lead health hazards around the home,” said Rick Albright, Director of EPA’s Office of Air, Waste and Toxics in Seattle. “By reading the ‘Renovate Right’ pamphlet families can learn how to avoid hazardous lead dust during renovations.”
What can InterNACHI inspectors do?
Educate your clients. InterNACHI certified inspectors sit at the breakfast table with new homebuyers, eager to start renovation projects. Educate homebuyers and sellers, and their real estate agents, about the new federal law that protects not only small children, but also our environment. [Right to Renovate PDF](
Get trained. Take InterNACHI’s EPA-approved course at [](, or watch NACHI.TV’s training video for inspectors at [](
Learn the top 5 lead-paint hazards in an older home that every inspector should know within this training course.
Get hired again by your client, when they hire their next contractor. You’ll be trained to oversee the contractor’s lead-safe work practices. The EPA has developed an inspection checklist for this task.