Manufactured Fireplace Hearth Extensions

Originally Posted By: Joe Funderburk
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

How would you document a manufactured fireplace (ventless with gas logs) without a hearth extension? The best I could determine in the IRC R1004.2, hearth extensions are to be determined by the manufacturer. I’ve seen this before, but not sure if it’s correct. Your comments are appreciated.

The way I worded the report is, I referenced the code and said: "While the lack of a hearth may not be a construction defect, it is unusual and warrants an inquiry with the manufacturer of the fireplace. It is recommended that the client obtain the manufacturers installation instructions and assure that the fireplace has been appropriately installed. Install a hearth for safety reasons if one is required by the manufacturer."

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Joe Funderburk
York County, SC
Alpha & Omega Home Inspection, LLC

Originally Posted By: mboyett
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Joe, seems like you hit this one on the head, so to speak. Your recommendation sounds accurate to me. The 2003 IRC seems to be silent on the requirement for a factory built fireplace hearth extension (Section R1004) but does say that if one is installed then it must be installed in accordance with the listing of the fireplace & be readily distinguishable from the surrounding floor area.


Mike Boyett
Capital City Inspections
Austin, Tx