Kind of confusing. There should be a few hundred nails penetrating the metal.
Could you see anything by lifting up the lower edge of the first row of shingles? Did they install plywood over the metal maybe?
It was raining pretty hard, I could only see what looked like normal flashing along the rakes edge.
According to the listing agent, it was installed in June
You were there, we can’t see details, maybe they installed sheathing on top of metal roofing?
(Sorry Ryan, just saw your response)
Ryan may be onto to something. If you blow up the metal pic, you can see what appears to be rows of dents in the metal possibly where the shingle nails penetrated the plywood, but not the metal.
That’s a unique situation; thanks for posting. I cannot think of a scenario where this is ok.
Did you go on the roof actually? That would say a lot for what may be on the patio section and over the steel, if I am following you properly
Do they have a permit for that roof? Of course, unlikely that a city inspector would be aware of what they did.