Originally Posted By: bdoles This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’ve recently been asked about the possibility of testing for recent methaphetamine labs in a home. This is a HUGE growing problem across the nation. I recently watched a t.v. documentary on the effects of a recent meth. lab in a home. A couple with a young child bought a home and did not know that the home was recently used as a meth. lab. The government cleaned the home (stains on the walls due to the large amount of fumes created from the production of meth.) BUT, the ductwork for the HVAC systems, carpets and window coverings can retain large amounts of the meth. and ultimately destroy the respiratory system of a young child.
Does anyone know of a system or meter of how to detect methamphetamine in a home?
This is a growing issue in the southeast and needs to be brought to the attention of future home owners.
-- Brian K Doles
Inspection Connection Home Inspections
Northeast, TN
Originally Posted By: bdoles This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the quick replies…In my region we have had several issues regarding meth. labs. I’m in the works of putting together some sort of newsletter regarding this issue and to distribute to realtors here in TN.
Thanks again guys...!!
-- Brian K Doles
Inspection Connection Home Inspections
Northeast, TN