Need help on determining the size and age of Midea Split System Heat Pumps.
MD Midea Heating & Ventilating Equipment Co., LTD
Condensing Unit Model # MOVA-18CN1-M16
Serial #C703095030711704400004.
Inspection was on a 12 unit apartment complex. There are 12 of these units installed. The air handlers in the apartments hallway ceiling did not have locatable model or serial numbers. Owners says he had the units installed in 2012. Thanks for any info!
I’m sure it’s a 1.5 ton unit, date of 2012 install seems to fit the label.
I was thinking 1.5 ton unit manufactured in 2011, did a quick search to no avail.
Thanks for the help! I did dig up a Midea manual. It shows you both are right on size. 18,000 BTU’s. The model # decoder also shows that it is a split system ac only. Not a heat pump. Still can’t find confirmation on the age/serials numbers. The condensing unit model number decoder page is attached in case it help anyone.
Again thank you!
Ok deep dove this one - Finally got in contact with a representative -
Midea Air Conditioners serial number decode - Serial Number C703095030711704400004
22 digit serial number -
The first 3 digits are the Model # so - C70
Next 8 digits - Not sure didn’t ask (probably internal)
Next is the manufacture date - Counting the “C” the 12-14 digits are the date of manufacture yr/m
Last 5 digits - unknown (probably manufacturing plant)
So C70 | 30950307 |117 | 04400004
Model C70 with a manufacture date of 2011 month 7 July
I know this thread is 5 years old and doesn’t help the OP but I found this thread during my deep dive and this was page 1 google so hopefully helps the next inspector following behind me.
I love That is where I find all my Ages for water heater and HVAC. Great source.
These specific Midea unit are a different serial numbering system It is a 22 character serial number. The reference is only 10 characters. Though I have emailed them with the pictures and explanation, So ideally their site will be updated soon.
I appreciate you adding the reference to this thread.
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