Hello Mr. Dapkus -
I think I can safely speculate that Mr. Porter is not a lawman. Law enforcement requires a commitment to ethics, truth and professionalism, and it is clear from Mr. Porter’s posts that he not quite up to the standard.
I noticed on another post today that Mr. Porter promoted sampling for moulds for no apparent reason, and sampling in the absence of knowledge of the drawbacks. So, it seems that in fact, Mr. Porter was projecting in his post in this thread that he would like to see industrial hygienists out of the way (and the EPA and the CDC and the ACGIH and the AIHA, etc), so that he can get on with taking money from good honest home buyers by performing useless mould testing, and producing results he can’t interpret.
Linus, we have seen your prowess and technical expertise in previous posts, and I think they speak for themselves. But regarding you recommendations of using pro-labs – again, you are wide of the mark. I have rebutted several of the reports from pro-labs who make a habit of interpreting samples from properties they have never seen. In most cases, the pro-labs reports have explicitly stated that the property has a mould problem when in fact the property has not had any kind of problem at all. The foolish “mould inspectors” who relied on the pro-labs reports were similarly and subsequently discredited along with the reports; actually precisely because they did rely on the pro-labs reports. Pro-labs, like “certified mould inspectors” made my life easier in that they are the easiest to defeat as technically incompetent.
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I have been informed by the AIHA that they have received numerous complaints from legitimate scientists about pro-labs. I was told that the AIHA would review the pro-labs AIHA accreditation in light of those complaints upon renewal of the accreditation.
In essence, Pro-labs interprets sample results, and generally, based on my experience, provides erroneous interpretations (for the benefit of Linus, “erroneous” is just a big complicated word for “wrong.” ) I have seen several Pro-labs reports claiming that a property has a mould problem, when in fact the property has had absolutely no problem whatever. Now although Messrs. Porter, Grominko, Kyriacou and Dapkus certainly don’t have much interest in facts, (as those undoubtedly just get in the way of making money), nevertheless, many casual readers who are not home inspectors also read this forum and for their edification according to the US Centers for Disease Control: (1)
The results of samples taken in your unique situation cannot be interpreted without physical inspectionof the contaminated area or without considering the building’s characteristics and the factors that led to the present condition.
That is Pro-labs cannot, cannot, cannot possibly interpret the swab samples and air samples being sent in to them by poorly trained (or indeed mis-trained) inspectors such as Messrs. Porter, Grominko, Kyriacou and Dapkus.
Don’t get me wrong Gents. I’m not suggesting that you stop what you are doing. You are the primary source of my mould inspection paycheck. The longer you run around taking useless samples, and providing erroneous data and nonsensical “results” interpreted by laboratories who have never even seen the property, the more people end up hiring me after they find out they have been duped by “ESA Certified” or “iac2 certified” (whatever that is) inspectors.
I find Mr. Gromiko’s comment “However, an industrial hygienist doing a mold inspection without being a qualified home inspector first, is criminal. He/she should be hung.” particularly interesting since to this day, without exception, I have never yet seen a mould inspection performed by an home inspector that was valid, or accurate or provided the prospective buyer with actual technically competent information. Instead, I have only seen useless sampling, hyperbole, and myths such as indoor/outdoor comparisons, that have mislead the client. That is in fact, why I get called in; to correct the work of these unscrupulous home inspectors who think they know something about mould.
Gents – I wonder if you realize that this forum is not insular – it is searchable, and viewable by anyone and that my detractors on this forum are some of my best advertisement, and their posts could become the rope by which you hang yourselves in the event of litigation?
Please don’t stop. You are the kind of “inspectors” that prove my point. Because the general public reads these pages and see you for who you are. It’s ironic that you are actually my best advertising. Prospective clients read these exchanges, make their own conclusions, then hire me.
Cheers, Gents – and thanks for all the work.
Caoimhín P. Connell
Forensic Industrial Hygienist
Forensic Applications, Inc.
- US Centers for Disease Control, Mold: General Information: Basic Facts | CDC APRHB, 2007
The opinions expressed here are exclusively my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect my professional opinion, opinion of my employer, agency, peers, or professional affiliates. The above post is for information only and does not reflect professional advice and is not intended to supercede the professional advice of others.