House had two furnaces, one for the main level and one heating the 2nd floor. Both with programmable thermostats. (Located in the dining room and upper level master bedroom.) This was in the upstairs hall near the landing for the staircase.
I freely admit that I am stumped!! Any HVAC gurus who could enlighten me?
Originally Posted By: jwortham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree David.
Looks like something added on after the fact. I love the handwritten "ON" in Sharpie.
The two programmable thermostats that control the furnaces are high quality, latest and greatest. Then there's this "Thing" in the hallway. I have NO idea what it's supposed to do.
That's why I posted the picture. I am very confused! 
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
They could have a damper wired to it. Ive done this on homes with areas that are not used all the time this allows the home owner to shut them off when the room reaches temperature. It will not control temp just using it as a switch.
Originally Posted By: jwortham This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Where would the damper be if there was one?
Down in the basement with the furnaces? And I could understand if it was one furnace. But why would you put one in if you had a furnace feeding both levels?
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you had an area that was not always used and the ducting capacity was sufficient to Handel the air with out that ducting you would install it in the supply duct feeding that area. It will not get air with out the system being on but will allow you close an area that is not always in use.
Originally Posted By: hgordon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
[quote="rmoore]Sometimes you just gotta go with “…function unknown. Recommend you ask the seller what the hell it does.” (you can use your own wording there )[/quote]
Very well said!
And by the way...DO NOT take it apart and wire it to see what comes on...BAD advice!
Originally Posted By: aleleika This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
kelliott wrote:
Oh, you figured it out. I was going to say:
That's the fake thermostat for the kids
for the WIFE!
 I think I need one of those!  
Originally Posted By: troberts1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
In my house my wife likes to turn the thermostat down to 65 and then when it gets too cold she turns it back up to 75 or 80 I tried to explain to her that this is hard on the system and uses more power but she would not listen, after fighting with her for years about it, I got a great Ideal. While she was at work I installed another thermostat in the closet and disconnected the other one it reads the current temperature only. Our power bill has decreased by $20.00 a month and it’s been three years now and she doesn’t have a clue, and we are both happy.