A few I days ago received a call from a prospective new home one year customer asking if I would reduce my price 75.00 to match another inspectors price.
Customer claimed this elite inspector was more qualified than other inspectors due to all his nachi requirements that exceed AZ requirements.
Told customer NO, check ASHIs membership requirements, my experience, and compair the two
She called back and scheduled at regular price stating she felt it was worth the additional 75.00 if I found one additional major item…
Stated that she then called the elite NACHI inspector and cancelled, the elite inspector offered to do it for** free** after my inspection to show her how good he was if she would agree to give him a plug on the homeowners chat board. She agreed.
Got call from this customer yesterday raving about how many more major things I identified broken truss 20’ from access, split rafter, I even put blue tape on them for the builder to locate:roll: ] broken tiles, tiles that were not nailed to mfg. specs, that were not visable from a ladder, and 6 other items,and how my report was so much more detailed, his report 18 items, stating they needed additional evaluation by builder:roll: , mine 39 items with documentation why each defect needed correction.:roll: :roll:
BTW… I’ve done over 50 insp in this subdivision, the builders rep and I have had many discussions, he told her I did not know what I was doing and the other inspector was a better inspector , hmm after providing documentation of workmanship standards and code references, why have they fixed every defect I’ve identified on the other homes…:roll: :roll:
End result, in just two days 3 more inspections from this customers neighbors and friends.
The moral of the story… BS, builder referalls , low pricing, and bragging about how great you are , doesn’t compair with experience, using shared knowledge and professional CE obtained from local experienced HI and trade veterans in this profession.