Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Totally agree, Frank. Maybe you misunderstood me.
What I meant was that during seminars, I strive not to sell me or my company, but to sell the idea and concept of home inspections AND of NACHI as a national (international) association.
I refer people to the NACHI web site all the time. It is a source of information and education (If we can ever get these feuds under control or at least limited to the members only section). I have a paragraph in my report letter:
"Please do not hesitate to call me, or any NACHI member if you have ANY questions about your new home. NACHI inspectors have access to over 5,000 inspectors from aroun the country and the world, as well as to the world's largest data base of home inspection information and experts in all the different constructions speciaties (master electricians, HVAC techs, plumbers, structural engineers, inductrial hygenists, etc). I may not always know the answer to your question, but I know that I can count on NACHI to have someone who does!"
This is EDUCATION! People like that. They respond to that. When someone finds a diamond in the pile of stones, they brag about it. That bragging is the BEST form of marketing I know.
We have the tools. We have the means. We have the knowledge. We have the experts.
Originally Posted By: kmcmahon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m sort of new to power point presentations so do most RE offices have projectors for a laptop for you to utilize or do you have to bring your own?
What do you need to connect to one of these projectors? Will it automatically show the viewscreen when plugged in? What port does it use and do you need to run a program?
How long do you arrive to set things up prior to the presentation?
dumb questions, but I’ve never done one of these.
Will, I have a couple of questions...I just want to make sure the information is accurate before possibly showing this to realtors, who are known skeptics....
Is that repair of the rotted rim joist really $36,000? it just seems high...real high. I would guess a couple of thousand max, but then again, I've never had to repair this before.
Also, are those really main electrical service feeds? They look like cable lines. Again, just trying to verify that everything is correct, not trying to pick anything apart.
Again, good work.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The story of the rim joist.
Younder couple were buying a newe house. It was a teardown, the finished house rqan about 4,400SF. We call them McMansions around here.
They are usually being built by new GCs who are primarily from Eastern Europe. They (mostly) hire cheap labor and subs (some do a bad job and some are GREAT.) I just look at the finished product.
In any case, the builder (only the 3rd house he has built) put this brick planer on the front and the grade in the planter was 2-3 inches above the weep wicks. Told them to have it removed, but they wated it.
4 months later, they call me. I go over and see this.
Got a SE who recommended jacking the front, replaceing the rim joist and the sill plate. Did this, they had to tickpoint the front where the metal ties had caused cracking on the brick.
Of course, all this work was done by licensed and insured contractors, most of whom were union (this was in Chicago, after all).
I think they got off pretty cheap, all things considered.
Originally Posted By: Aimee Jalowsky This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The link is here, http://www.nachi.org/chicagorealtor.htm and you need your user name and password to access it. If you do not know what it is, email me and I can tell you.
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I can access it. I was just commenting on all the people who are e-mailing me wanting me to send it to them. That's why I sent it to you, por posting on the NACHI site.
You did good, it's just that some people can't read. 
Originally Posted By: wdecker This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I hav attanted the Evilin Woodhead sped reding cours and it has inprov’d my reding rate substatilly. My reding and riting has impppproved and so as my comprnsen.
I wood rec'mend the Evilin Woodhead sped reding corse to all my frens and you can tell dem that you all herd it rite here on Roller Derby.