NACHI member creates super successful marketing idea.

Originally Posted By: gromicko
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Nick Gromicko



I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: gbeaumont
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Hi to all,

Wil that is very, very good. Congrats



Gerry Beaumont
NACHI Education Committee
e-mail :
NACHI phone 484-429-5466

Inspection Depot Education

"Education is a journey, not a destination"

Originally Posted By: dgriffith
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Thank you very much Will and thank you for sharing. You should stand up and take a bow on this one.

![eusa_clap.gif](upload://vwXJP6EroRUgatgS660IOyuD5XK.gif) ![eusa_clap.gif](upload://vwXJP6EroRUgatgS660IOyuD5XK.gif) ![eusa_clap.gif](upload://vwXJP6EroRUgatgS660IOyuD5XK.gif)

When you're up to your a*@# in aligators, it's hard to remember your main objective is to drain the swamp.

Originally Posted By: jrivera
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Man that was good stuff, BRAVO !!! icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif icon_biggrin.gif

Originally Posted By: dduffy
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The information is very informative. You should be very proud of your work.

Geat Idea!

Dale Duffy

Inspect Arizona Companies Inc.

Originally Posted By: jmichalski
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Thanks, Will!

Shouldn't this be under the Member's Only area, or are you offering the download to everyone?

Originally Posted By: wdecker
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I didn't choose where to post it. I just sent it to Aimee.

I don't seen anything wrong with posting it where Realtors can get it. Do you?

I worked up a little script for it, informative but funny, so that you can present this at Chamber of Commerce meetings or Realtor sales meetings.

I am working with a local Realtor and a local mortgage broker to set up a 'first time buyers' seminar at a local hotel. I will present it there.

Two points:

1) For this seminar, we have all agreed that our talks would be only about 20% marketing ourselves and 80% marketing our industry. Looks better that way and doesn't intimidate the attendees. They will look upon it as educational rather than just a captive marketing thing.

2) As I stated in my letter, I think it would be a good thing if all NACHI inspectors made themselves available to home owners, buyers, sellers, Realtors, RE lawyers, etc, for free phone advice. In this way, NACHIs reputaion for education and helpfullness and professionalism will grow. I have had many people call me with questions (from all around the country!) simply because the saw my web site and read that I would be pleased to answer their questions, not just abouyt inspections but about other home related issues. I always tell them, if the issue is to complex or detailed to 'diagnose' over the phone, to goto and put in their zip code in the search. By promoting NACHI, I am promoting myself.

A rising tide floats all boats. If we uplift the professiona and our professional association and work hadr to educate the public, we also promote ourselves.

One more thing. There are a lot of inspectors out there who have special talents, skills, experience, etc. We are going into the slow season. Why not spend a day or so and create your won PowerPoint (or other media) presentation. Make it informative and somewhat funny. Send it to Aimee. We can build up a library of these things and, maybe, even set up education couses from them. In states with licensing and CE requirements, this would be invaluable. The local state chapters could submit them to the state for CE approval and we can undercut the cost of CE.

Just a thought.

Hope this helps.

Will Decker
Decker Home Services
Skokie, IL 60076

Originally Posted By: jsmith10
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GREAT presentation William,

Very good presentation and I really like your thoughts on developing things during the slow time. I don't get much slow time but I hope to develop a little something concerning HVAC and the inspector in the future.

Can we personalize this for our own businesses and use it on our web site's?

As always's your efforts are GREATLY appreciated and often utilized.

I applaud your enduring efforts and sharing with your fellow NACHI family and we can only hope that others will follow by your example.


Vice-President, Idaho Chapter,

Inspected as though my family are to live or work there.

Originally Posted By: Aimee Jalowsky
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Very well said Joseph. Nick posted it, maybe the page ought to be members only password protected?

Originally Posted By: bking
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Great work Will icon_exclaim.gif Thanks for sharing that with us.

Originally Posted By: jmerritt1
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Please don’t get Will’s head any bigger, he is already to tall.

Will has been a great leader for Chicago Chapter.

Originally Posted By: ecrofutt
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Nice job, Will. I especially like the sentiment about a rising tide floating all boats.

Some of those pictures look real familiar.

Erby Crofutt
B4U Close Home Inspections
Georgetown, Kentucky

Originally Posted By: wdecker
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A good leader is useless without people who trust hime enough to follow, and work their tails off (which you do).


Yeah, the NACHI pictures board is a great resource.

Just trying to show everyone that if we ALL spend an hour or so, creating and adding to the knowledge / presentation / marketing / support base, that would be a HECK of a lot of hours. Every NACHI member accross the country (Yes, and Canada too) has something to contribute, even if it is just sending out postcards touting yourself AND NACHI!

We have all, for better or worse, tied our businesses to NACHI. If we uplift the organization, we also uplift ourselves.

If the Chicago Chapter (and Russ Myers vision and skill in kicking our collective butts) can overcome such a big ASHI advantage (Their National Headquarters is only 4 miles west of my house) in this area, then just think of what all of you can do in your areas.

Hope this helps.

Will Decker
Decker Home Services
Skokie, IL 60076

Originally Posted By: gporter
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Will, you are a rising star.

Gary Porter

GLP’s Home and Mold Inspections LLC

Orlando, Fl 32828


Originally Posted By: jonofrey
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Nice work. Two of those photo’s were taken by me. I feel honored.

Inspection Nirvana!

We're NACHI. Get over it.

Originally Posted By: wdecker
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Plagerism is the best form of flattery.

Please, do not say I am great or anything. We all have it in us to do what I did. This is my challange to you guys during the slow season.

Just make sure that you include NACHI in your marketing efforts. It helps us all.

And helps keep Nick humble. ![icon_lol.gif](upload://zEgbBCXRskkCTwEux7Bi20ZySza.gif)

Will Decker
Decker Home Services
Skokie, IL 60076

Originally Posted By: jonofrey
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wdecker wrote:
Please, do not say I am great or anything.

Okay Goober. ![icon_wink.gif](upload://ssT9V5t45yjlgXqiFRXL04eXtqw.gif)

Inspection Nirvana!

We're NACHI. Get over it.

Originally Posted By: kmcmahon
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Along with water infiltration, proper ventilation is the best way to make sure that water is kept out.

That statement doesn't make any sense to me, or maybe I'm reading it wrong.

Also on P.56, the picture is a little small and it's hard to tell, but those look like communication cable lines instead of service entry wires.

Wisconsin Home Inspection, ABC Home Inspection LLC

Search the directory for a Wisconsin Home Inspector

Originally Posted By: wdecker
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Good catch, Kevin icon_redface.gif

Should read 'along with stopping water infiltration, good ventilation..."

Or make up your own Power Point.

The point is educate! A wise man (my Father, maybe) once told me that the best way to learn is to teach. It stretches you when you have to explain something you already know to another person. You have to organize and formalize your own learning.

In any case, when these Power Points are made, they shluld be made available to NACHI people for little or no cost (maybe only media costs). Downloading from the NACHI site makes that easy and fits with Nick's marketing paridigm.

Furthermore, when these presentations are put together, the provide a great framework for creating continuing education courses for sumbission to state licensed CE courses. We can get these together, have NACHI (and its state education coordinators) submit them for state approval. Once one is approved in a given state, it is usually a shoe in to be approved in all states. In this way, NACHI members get their required CE for little or no cost. I see this as the BEST way to cut any other associations off at the knees. At least around here, they make a KILLING charging al least $195.00 for 6 hours of state approved CE. Here in the Chicago Chapter, we are aiming at 6 hours of state approved CE (for NACHI members) costing about $25.00 (lunch and room cost).

I would like to see this methodology in all states, with NACHI leading the way. In this way, when we go to the NACHI national conventions, inspectors from license and CE states could get their needed credits as well, not just NACHI CE credit (not that there is anything wrong with that!).

Hope this helps.

Will Decker
Decker Home Services
Skokie, IL 60076

Originally Posted By: fbuttermore
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Excellent work ![eusa_clap.gif](upload://vwXJP6EroRUgatgS660IOyuD5XK.gif) - Thanks for sharing!

BTW - couldn't agree with the 20% / 80% theory.....As a HI, I market education above all; Homeowners really want to know all that they can. We should really being doing all we can to provide all we can.


Frank Buttermore
HTI Inspection Services, LLC

"Inspected once, inspected right."