Originally Posted By: Dominic D’Agostino This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you truly want to help in the State of Florida, join FABI ( Florida Association of Building Inspectors) and apply your knowledge and skills there. Otherwise, stop pretending to know anything about this State by "joining" an org that doesn't exist. FAPHI... please, spare us.
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Greg & Jerry,
Because of your years in the profession and your experience, I generally respect your opinions, please explain why this is not good for Florida inspectors?
Greg, from our conversations in the past I was of the belief that you were in favor of another voice in our state other than FABI, and that you mostly approved of Harvey's efforts with FACHI, how is this different?
I don't know exactly where Nick is going with this, but without any effort from another source, FABI will achieve their goal of a licensing plan which looks a lot like the general requirements to become an ASHI member.
I guess my question is, are the majority of Florida inspectors comfortable with licensing requirements of...
3-Years Experience?
250 Paid Inspections?
Not looking for an argument here just your thoughts.
-- Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: gbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am sorry that you don?t see the problem. Do you remember the meeting we had in Fort Lauderdale? Were we not starting a state association with these same people? You know as well as I do that this state association has maybe 30 members. They have no web presence, because they do not have the funds to create one. The only thing they have going for them now is Nick.
I think you already know my opinion on licensing.
I think that my efforts to help NACHI in Florida speak for my commitment to our fellow members here.
Unfortunately I think more people are going to have the same opinion as Dom.
What state association does NACHI have in Florida? If you felt you had one what made you choose to lead another.
Originally Posted By: jmertins This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Good Luck Nick,
I completely agree with the proposal. Once again it is the same guys out there whinning. I have stayed off this board about this topic b/c it got soo old last spring. I guess we are going to start a little earlier this year.
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
Also, one of our NACHI members, Jeff Hooper, is President of FABI.
Jeff never became a member of NACHI.
Unlike me, Jeff does not enjoy tilting at windmills. I enjoy the game, Jeff does not 'have time for it'.
Eventually, I knock a few windmills down. Not many, and not often, but I get one now and then.
Like beating your head against a brick wall until the wall falls down ... sometimes it does, but most of the time you just get you head all banged up and bloodied.
I would like for nothing better than for NACHI to knock ASHI on its butt nationally, but ... don't count on me to do much with NACHI on a statewide basis, FABI is the association of choice for the professional inspectors in Florida. I'll do what I can to help keep it that way.
Joe B.,
Yes. That is what is BEST for the consumer, and, after all, that is who licensing is for. Not to protect the HI, but to protect the consumer.
Would you rather have experience OR E&O required?
Under my licensing proposal, there would be a 3 year requirement, and an effective date which would allow someone who started in the business the day before licensing to meet that 3 year requirement on the last day of eligibility from the effective date of the law. Of course, after that (i.e., anyone coming in after the law became effective) anyone coming in would be starting late, but even then, if you started a year into that 3 year period, you would have 2 years already done by the time that eligibility period ended, and you would only need one year working 'under' someone.
No different than pest control, contractors, and others.
You panicked because you were going to be excluded (you thought). I think the best thing NACHI can do is to join with FABI and pass a GOOD STRONG licensing bill. Starting with the new legislature. I'll help, but only with the right bill. Not with some mamby-pamby thing.
See, I am looking to the future, 5-10-20 years out, when the current old guys (like myself) are gone, when the current young guys (like yourself) replaced us and are also gone. The PROFESSION needs it (as do the consumers).
And the national association which provides the most benefits to its members will prosper, benefits like NACHI is working toward, not like ASHI is 'forcing' on its members (did you realize that Branding was a 'benefit'?, I didn't ![icon_smile.gif](upload://b6iczyK1ETUUqRUc4PAkX83GF2O.gif) ).
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gbell wrote:
I am sorry that you don?t see the problem. Do you remember the meeting we had in Fort Lauderdale? Were we not starting a state association with these same people? You know as well as I do that this state association has maybe 30 members. They have no web presence, because they do not have the funds to create one. The only thing they have going for them now is Nick.
Are these these same guys from the Panhandle? If so, now I understand your position. BTW where's Harvey?
-- Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: jmertins This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
So with this working "under" you...how many inspects will I get working "under" you...will you have at least 5 a week for me? You know as well as I you won't hire a single person...why would you?
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
jmertins wrote:
So with this working "under" you...how many inspects will I get working "under" you...will you have at least 5 a week for me? You know as well as I you won't hire a single person...why would you?
Why would you want to be 'under me'?
I'm not in this to 'take people in and make money off them', besides, they would be better advised to work under someone who has a volume business ... can you say ca-ching? (for you and the other person).
Me, I'd rather help teach and answer questions. Heck, if everyone who asks me questions would pay me $20 per month, I could sit in the office all day and answer questions and look up code for them, and not do inspections anymore. Any takers? (Looking for a way to semi-retire, so I thought I'd throw that out there as one way. ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif) )
Originally Posted By: jmertins This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
strong words Greg…Yes I have not been to the meetings you have coordinated… I hear they have been good…however many phone calls were made last spring to our reps offices in our area and Tallahasse. If my words offended you… you took them wrong. I’ll try to stay on the topic and not make a personal jab in my future remarks… are you up for that?