Nathan & Dominic: Does HON reveal or sell our client's information to alarm salesmen?

I’m really not trying to cause any trouble. Dominic and Nathan have great products. They are both friends of mine. They are both financial supporters and sponsors of InterNACHI events. They both participated in my 2012 Inspector Boost Tour.

But I watched Dom’s webinar and I thought I saw where my client’s data that I collect to produce an inspection report using Home Inspector Pro can be sent directly to HON without me having to retype it. I’m still OK with that. It looks like a great service. I’m almost sold. I just want to know (from Dominic and Nathan) if my client’s data will end up in the hands of an alarm system salesman… or not? Hence the title of this thread.

Maybe none of them thought giving out client data for free to advertisers would be a problem. I have no idea… If I know Dom well enough I don’t think he would release client data free or for sale. Again I think he’s attempting to make sure that other people “partners” are all on the same page. Just my two cents but like Jim stated only Dom knows the answers.

But Nick, why would you care if it wound up in the hands of an alarm salesman?

I’ll ask the question again for the Wild Thornberry

Sorry Chuck. Not answering only giving an opinion. :wink: I’m waiting to see what the verdict is to.

Maybe not … but the question is still uncomplicated and an easy one to answer.


No need to tell me that, which is why you nor anyone for that matter need to give answers for Dom. And trust me I have know, and worked with Dom for a Long time myself, and spent many a late night on the phone with him, to me he and HIP are tops in the industry and to most others as well. This is why I am sure he is not involved in anything that could harm any inspectors reputation with their clients.


I understand that. I’m asking about my client’s data. You are saying my client’s data can’t end up in the hands of an alarm system salesman? I’m not even complaining if in fact it does… I just want to know before I sign up for the service. I’m about to sign up. It looks like a nice service.

Again Jim not giving answers just my opinions. There is a difference. Not getting in a pissing match with you so have a beer for me and we can agree to disagree from there :wink: Yes I agree Dom has my respect as well and I’m sure he will provide you guys a straight answer shortly.

I’d also like to hear Dom’s answer to my lone question. Does my client’s data end up in the hands of an alarm system salesman or not? I think it is a reasonable question to ask before I sign up.

Dom has always had my full respect also.

You finally got one thing right!

I don’t want to make more of this than the question I asked.

I like Dom. I like Nathan. I like alarms. I’m typing this from InterNACHI’s building which is protected by alarms. If I was a home inspector, I probably wouldn’t even mind if my client’s data ended up in the hands of an alarm system salesman. But some members might mind. And so for them, I ask again (it’s my job to find out for them): Does my client’s data end up in the hands of an alarm system salesman or not?

M-I-C-K-E-Y… Nat-han, Thorn-bury

Once again you are trying to spin again. NOBODY said anything about getting phone calls except you ?
Also Why would you call it a herd mentality just because a group of very smart businessmen want to know some very easy and basic answers to what happens to OUR clients info? unless of course that thought hits a nerve and something is just not completely kosher?

The funny part is Shame on you for this ridiculous mentality it’s crazy. People make fun of you when you talk. I know it must hurt that their is actually a group of professionals that do not bend over and take all the junk you shovel as gospel and actually see you for the salesman you try to be.


Why the public forums? If anyone has questions, why not phone Dom, Nathan, Mike Casey, or Kevin O’Malley? What’s the point of all the public drama?
HON is designed to make money for it’s principles and investors (no mystery). If it fits into your business model, provides a benefit to your clients, and can increase your sales or profit, get on board. If it doesn’t fit your needs, don’t do it.
But don’t try to create controversy where there is none by conducting an interrogation on a message board.
Just my 2 cents

The whole thing is rather curious. I really haven’t heard the HON being peddled or marketed here. You lumped Dominic and Nathan together, when they are clearly different vendors. I say this in light of the now thousands of posts that are all over this board, some of which are taking shots at Nathan. The whole thing smells funny.

Now Nick, I have a question that you WILL NOT give a straight answer to. Will you ask the same question of Home Gauge or 3D? I understand that one has a warranty program and I believe that they both collect client information that could (notice I said could, not do) get used for something other than the intended purpose. How about Mountain? Where does that client info. go?