hey Nick your friend says the consumers prefer Inspection Experts over Certified Master Inspectors, and has proof… Not only prefers them but more than 90% of them. Dang Nick looks like Nathan is crushing you.
Is that true?
I wonder if in his pole he informed the polies that his Inspection Experts Release all of their information to him in trade or pay for the widgets they give to him?
Joined: 06/17/2014 09:32 PM EDT
Messages: 4905
Location: Carmel, IN
We’ve polled thousands from all over the country this week, and as it turns out the phrases “Certified Master Inspector” and “Certified Inspection Expert” are in a statistical tie with a slight advantage to CMI in initial reaction. Both crushed other “Certifications” in the industry, and both seem to be preferred by buyers everywhere.
But once you tell a buyer what the difference is, they overwhelmingly choose the Certified Inspection Expert.
We have a full report coming out this month including insights as to what a home buyer prefers and what they expect when it comes to report length, age of inspector, whether they think you should walk on the roof, and even their thoughts on “Monozenine” (made up word used as a control).
I try to discredit his widgets and his lies, as well as promote NACHI and CMI it is difficult with you helping to promote him with everything he does. You do nothing but help him destroy our profession, CMI, NACHI, Your own credibility etc…
I am sure this will be another example of you doing nothing thus aidin g your partner in destroying CMI on ce again.
If I am wrong, then do something !! otherwise don’t shovel your crap and lie about mer to divert from the truth again.
Don’t worry, no one can “destroy CMI.” To the ear of a consumer, nothing will ever sound better than “Certified Master Inspector.”
The professional designation is the only thing in the inspection industry that instantly appeals to consumers who know nothing about our profession, and it requires no explanation, no marketing and no tagline to work. Its meaning to consumers is instantly understandable on its own.
It’s a free country. If Nathan has an opinion he’s free to express it and Jim is free to repeat it.
I know what Certified Master Inspector means and everyone else who knows nothing about the inspection industry instantly acquires a very similar opinion about those three little words when they first read them as well. Nothing can change that.
ASHI isn’t much of a concern either. They are hemorrhaging members to InterNACHI every day: www.nachi.org/analytics They wouldn’t listen to any of my advice and so heading down the same path NAHI took: www.nachi.org/nahi
I think more than one org is better for the industry.
If ASHI disappears another group will come up and take their place. Same as what Nachi did.
I like Internachi but have nothing against ASHI, I do have problems with ASHI getting realtors to only use ASHI members but then again Nachi might decide to do the same thing.
Nick, when ashi made claims a few years ago to be the oldest, or biggest ( 0ne of those I don’t remember) you went after them and had them remove that from all of their sites and members sites. Big kudos to you, I was behind you all the way.
Well this Nathan Expert is bigger and better to more than 90% of the population CMI crap is No different, so why don’t you do something about it?
It may be doubtful another organization form, but not impossible.
As far as Nathan goes? He’s a vendor, nothing more or less. You have a group of vendors all selling their own brand of snake oil. I think it’s good for the industry to have people like Thornberry, Hall and Crow. They all make dubious claims and some of their customers do very well, those who do well would have done just as well on their own. Without the baloney most wouldn’t know steak from cold cuts.
He is more than just a Vendor. He is building an association by copying all the things that Nick does. In the process he is damaging the entire profession and all of us who are in it by making false claims about NACHI, CMI, Nick personally etc… He is being allowed to do anything he wants against NACHI, CMI, Nick with no consequences. In fact Nick helps him promote his snake oil junk, on the boards, and in NACHI’s News letters etc…
It has gone way beyond him just being a vendor who sells snake oil widgets to a few inspectors in return for their clients private information and some of the inspectors hard earned money.