Originally Posted By: Jason Van Loo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Does anyone have any advice for the Big Exam. I live in AZ and have completed my school and 30 parallels. Just trying to get all the info. and tips before I take the last step in obtaining my license. I would really like to take the test once and not anymore. Any suggestions would help. I am going to join Nachi in the next week.
Originally Posted By: Scotty Lee This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Study the Code Check flip books; Carson Dunlop’s Illustrated Home book; and another good book is by Journal of Light Construction, Common Construction Defects.
I used the above references to pass the NHIE, and I passed it the first time.
Originally Posted By: Jason Van Loo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I thought the dumbest questions would be new ones but there are lots of people selling the same exact questions on ebay. I actually bought a copy of the same 650 questions last week for $5 on ebay. Oh Well, that is only part of the reason I joined NACHI.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
$5 huh? I’m not going to lose sleep over it. Maybe it will help someone. We’re writing new situational questions that reference pics. These will require the exam taker to understand more and to actually figure out the answer.