Just inspected a 2 story house (built in 1988) with (2) 2x6 floor girders 16" O.C., piers 6’ O.C. in the crawl space. Do not know type of wood. Did have one (3) 2x6 girder supportting a load bearing wall from above. The floor joists land on top of girders. House is about 25-30 feet wide. Roof is stick built.
I found in the code book that 2x6 supporting two floors & roof can only span up to 3’11" at most.
Does anyone have any comments?
It is hard to tell exactly from a verbal description but it’s been there for twenty some years and, although wood framing members are sized and graded to take a certain amount of loading over time before failure, it seems like one would be able to see sagging, deflection or something showing the beginnings of failure.
Did you see anything like that?
No. No sagging anywhere. It looks really odd (no pic) to see such small girders for a two story house. I have a code book and nowhere can you use (2) 2x6 past 4’-11". Just wanted to double check myself before submitting my report.
The framing does seem a little light, although it really depends on the specifics. Was the floor bouncy or flexible if you jump on the floor at about where the middle of the spans would be for both the floors and beams? Did the floors squeak? Was the house empty, so there was not a lot of furniture load?
Even if the house was full of furniture and there were no sagging members or bouncy floors, you may want to comment that the framing appears somewhat undersized compared to current construction standards and common local practice (I am assuming you are accustomed to seeing larger framing for similar houses in your area), which would limit the use of heavy furniture and other items like water beds and larger fish tanks for example, and may require supplementary supports which is beyond a home inspection to determine.
JMO & 2-nickels …
House was empty and no bouncing or sagging observed. It is only about the size (2x6) of the girders that concerned me. I really like your comment and will use it.
Thanks to all who have replied,
Keep in mind that with an empty house it is harder to visually examine framing … may sag if fully loaded with furniture, people, etc.
JMO & 2-nickels …