Originally Posted By: mboyett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, it definitely appears to be a doorbell transformer. If it’s a newer home then maybe it was installed for a future doorbell. Other than that then someone else will chime in soon and tell you what it is.
Originally Posted By: jrivera This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Right now, it looks like the top of your head is pushed in. Let me fix it for ya.[/quote]
Nah, that's okay, he looks like that, no really   
Just kidding, I couldn't resist
As for the bell, must make it tough on the Avon lady to make a sale !!!
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
it is a transformer, but my question would be is it for a door bell, or could it be inline with the phone system. many moons ago phone companies installed transformers just like this one in order to get enough power to the phone jack to support the old style "light up" phones. befor l.e.d.s were popular phones neede a little extra juice to light 'em up. just another posability. 
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I never saw a Telco hardwired transformer. They invented the “wall wart” for the Princess phone so their installers would not have to deal with power wiring. I still have a few princess wall warts if someone wants a picture.
Trivia: the Princess was why phone “station” wire has a black. It used to just be red/green/yellow with the yellow used for selective ringing on party lines. The conductors were thicker.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I wasn’t too sure on how every telco. transformer was designed so i just threw that out as a posability. i have them in each of the buildings i maintain and they don’t look exactly like that, but who knows. more than likely an old doorbell or one that was never finished.
Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Marcel,
all i can say is what I know, and Taco (pronounced=“tay-koe”) heat system use the 24volt t-stats, but by standards they all have brown or black were this one is red or orange. plus it should be near the furnace. i guess our guesses are just that…i guess?