I am confused…Did they not DIg this up as the wires should remain color coated to the termination point on the pump. Can you provide a shot of what you have in the way of the unknown wires.
Based on this is it not Red, Black and Yellow...and are you saying from the terminal BLOCk the wires are not color coated as they go to the motor itself....ours are always color coated to the motor itself.
I think the problem is solved. Took my focus off the hole and saw a small J box at the wellhead. Popped it open and the wires from the J box going downhole are color coded. I’ll meg 'em backwards to the hole.
But John, what about all the emotional stress caused by the loss of water, Your wife couldn’t do the washing, your son couldn’t clean his bike! my god man they’ll be scarred for life, I hope everyone involved is in therapy as they be could suffering from Post Irrigation Stress Syndrome (in short they are PISSed)
The real damages may only be $37:50, but there has to be a million $ punative action to stop contractors finding waterlines in future, Hell if they have done it once or twice before we may be able to get a class action suit started.
You said thank you Jesus when you solved the problem, continue to give Him the credit and glory, approach the outfit that did the damage and give him your feelings about payment to fix it, if nothing is settled than don’t use or refer him anymore, but to sue, I say “do unto others” I would hope if I ever screw up in life somehow, that people are as willing to discuss before it with me before attorneys have to get involved.