I am doing my mock inspections and came across this in a main panel at my grandparents house. Please correct me if I am wrong but, my understanding is that a grounding conductor and neutral conductor should not terminate under the same lug. A neutral conductor needs to be in its own terminal.
(My understanding of the reasoning behind it is) that if the neutral is disconnected, the idea is to still have the equipment ground connected. If both the neutral and grounded conductor are under the same terminal, this doesn’t occur. As well as connections becoming loose.
Are there any circumstances where this picture would be ok?
Only a ‘single’ neutral may be under a single screw. I say this so it is not confused with “two neutrals” are ok, which it is NOT.
Multiple (varies with panel manufacturer, but usually three) grounded conductors “of the same diameter”, may be under one single screw (restrictions apply per panel manufacturer).
Bottom line:
One neutral per screw- ALWAYS.
Multiple grounded per screw- SOMETIMES (with limitations).