New Course Released: 2023 Florida Residential Building Code Course

New Course Released: 2023 Florida Residential Building Code Course

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Awesome course.

Looking forward to taking this new course…
A quick glance of the course “index” in the link posted shows Electrical sections in the 2023 FBC Residential.

  • Electrical
  • Unused Openings in Electrical Equipment: E3404.6
  • Indoor Dedicated Panelboard Space: E3405.3
  • Services
  • Maximum Number of Service Disconnects: E3601.7
  • Ampacity of Ungrounded Service Conductors: E3602.1
  • Ungrounded Service Conductors: E3603.1.1
  • Clearances on Buildings: E3604.1
  • Vertical Clearance from Grade: E3604.2.2
  • Equipment Grounding Conductor: E3607.3.1
  • 15- and 20-Ampere Branch Circuits: E3702.3
  • Countertop and Work Surface Receptacles: E3901.4
  • GFCI Protection for Receptacles: E3902
  • Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) Protection: E3902.20, E3902.21
  • Receptacle Terminations: E4002.3
  • Luminaires in Clothes Closets: E4003.12

My ICC 2023 FBC Residential shows these sections as RESERVED.

The 2023 FBC Residential Code now recognizes NFPA 70 NEC.

Oddly section 3408 GFCI protection is listed…

Help me. What are you saying?

The course “index” listed at the link above shows references to IRC Codes that Florida has RESERVED. Florida now defers electrical requirements to the NEC. This started in the 2020 FBC Residential when Florida adopted the 2017 NEC instead of the IRC Chapters 34-43. The 2023 FBC Residential defers to the 2020 NEC.


Hi Ben, I had no intention of “clogging up this nice forum thread” @bgromicko1
Thanks for the video explaining the reserved sections in FBC and the use of the IRC for NEC explanations.
Having this video explanation may help students better understand the Code and the course.

However, the 2023 Florida Building Code Residential doesn’t reference the 2023 NEC, it references the 2020 NEC.

There are many significant changes from the 2020 NEC to the 2023 NEC.
Have a great night!


My course essay:

Changes made in the 2020 Florida Building Code Residential Section 803.2.2 Allowable spans and Table R803.2.2 MINIMUM ROOF SHEATHING THICKNESS that includes thicker roof sheathing and updated fastening requirements for homes depending on Exposure and windspeed criteria. There were minor adjustments to these changes in the 2023 Florida Building Code Residential. Table R803.2.2 requires minimum 19/32" roof sheathing for homes in Exposure B/160 MPH Wind Zone and higher, Exposure C/140 MPH Wind Zone and higher, Exposure D/120 MPH and higher.

The Code now specifies that when roof sheathing thickness exceeds 15/32" that longer-larger diameter ring shank nails are required and updates to nail spacing were included depending on several variables.

Section R803.2.3.1 includes the updated fastener requirements.

Reference FBC Residential R803.2.3.1 Sheathing fastenings.
Wood structural panel sheathing shall be fastened to roof framing in accordance with Table R803.2.3.1.Sheathing shall be fastened with ASTM F1667 RSRS-03 (21/2" × 0.131" × 0.281 head diameter) nails except that ASTM F1667 RSRS-01 (23/8" × 0.113") nails or ASTM F1667 RSRS-04 (3" × 0.120" × 0.281 head diameter) nails shall be permitted where sheathing thickness is 15/32 inches and less. RSRS-01, RSRS-03 and RSRS-04 are ring shank nails meeting the specifications in ASTM F1667.

Writing Assignment:
[[2020 NAILS TOO SHORT/WRONG DIA. R803.2.3.1]]NAILS TOO SHORT/WRONG DIAMETER. Nail misses at the roof sheathing attachment were found that were too short/wrong diameter, current standards call for ring shank nails (minimum 0.131" x 2.5" in this area) to be used for roof sheathing attachments. All repairs should be properly supervised and performed by qualified licensed professionals.
Reference Florida Building Code Residential R803.2.3.1
Wood structural panel sheathing shall be fastened to roof framing in accordance with Table R803.2.3.1. Where the sheathing thickness is 15/32 inches and less, sheathing shall be fastened with ASTM F1667 RSRS-01 (2 3/8" × 0.113") nails. Where the sheathing thickness is greater than 15/32 inches, sheathing shall be fastened with ASTM F1667 RSRS-03 (2 1/2" × 0.131") nails or ASTM F1667 RSRS-04 (3" × 0.120") nails. RSRS-01, RSRS-03 and RSRS-04 are ring shank nails meeting the specifications in ASTM F1667.

There are some typos/glitches in the course. There are three quizzes with no questions…




These sections with no quiz are not allowing me to take the final exam.

I’ve gone back a couple times and clicked/checked and still getting the error message.
@bgromicko1 @gromicko


Dang technology! I think I fixed the missing quiz questions. Give it another try, if you’d like. Thank you so much for helping. I’m not on the forum that much, so emailing the Education Team at is best for stuff like this.

And in relation to this course, the electrical sections of this course (Chapters 34 through 43 of the 2023 Florida code) will reference the 2024 IRC®, which is based on the compilation of provisions extracted directly from the 2023 National Electrical Code ® (NEC®).

Thanks, I’ll check it out ASAP.

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