New Final Exam added to Online Safety Course. Printable Certificate of Completion.

Certificate includes mandatory Tennessee CE approval number.

Open to all (you need not be a member)…

The safety course is great!
I just had a problem with the final exam, while answering questions they were not accumulating. I answered all and the column on the left did not register.
is there a technical issue with the exam?

You have to hit Next Question> for each to save

Answer Later means just that you’ll have to reenter answer at the end

This is how these exams work on my machine and I’m dumb as a post when it comes to computers :mrgreen:


Hi Barry,
I did that, as a matter of fact I have taken several of the online courses and
have not had a problem.
I will try it again

it worked this time, 97%
thanks, Joe for the hard work
NACHI is really the best, I think I am up to 91 cont. ed credits!

We have a ton more coming too. We have full time people building courses now. Universities, colleges, and schools worldwide should begin the process of plywoodin’ up their windows. :wink:

Got the same score Carla, have the same comments too.