New free, online "Exterior Safety for Inspectors and Contractors" video course

I chose the image “Inspector Climbing Ladder”. As an inspector you will be climbing up and down ladders at every home you inspect. Its very important to follow all the safety procedures when climbing up and down ladders so you do not get hurt.

Being a Florida based InterNACHI home inspector, I climb every roof that is safe with getting tips from this course. Ladders are a major cause of injury in our field due to people, not understanding the basics of ladder safety.

Electrical Safety

Being a Florida based InterNACHI home inspector it is very important to follow our s.o.p. guidelines for electrical safety. When I’m doing an internal main electrical panel, I always pre-test the dead front panel for a live or electrically charged cover.

Inspecting the roof is generally the most dangerous task an inspector performs while conducting a home inspection, exercising caution and wearing specialized roof walking shoes can greatly reduce risks. The inspector should avoid walking on an icy or moss covered roof,wet metal roofs should also be avoided.

Ladder accidents are the leading cause of construction deaths and most falls from ladders occur at a height of ten feet or less.
A couple of things that inspectors should be aware of when using ladders is that the top of the ladder (or cap) should not be used as a step also a ladder used to access a roof should extend beyond the edge of the roof by three feet.

As you can see in this picture this man is doing multiple things wrong and should not have a ladder leaning on the manlift to the house as that is a falling hazard. He also has the leaning extrremely far onto the house which can make the base of ladder give out and collapse

as I observed these photos I learned that while on a roof you should a flat so so that it will grip the roof better while climbing on it i also learned where the the air vents are in a chimney and how to check for cracks.

Ladders are more important they people give them credit. They should always be on level ground and make sure it is tall enough. A too short ladder cis very dangerous. Please follow all manuals that come with the ladder. Thank you

Radon is not taken seriously , it is a very deadly natural gas when its able to accumulate. I believe all house in america should be tested for radon gas in their house to find out if the level is below the standard;

John Mayo
This essay is about the importance of personal fall arrest protection. I previously worked at the Coors Brewing Company and their policy on fall protection was very stringent and the verbiage included within was very specific and distinct. Nothing was left to interpretation as the rules are very clear. Your choice to engage was not an option if you worked for them, you adhered to the rules and policies.OSHA is the governing body, and they have the rules nailed down.
I have realized a long time ago, that these rules and regulations are in place to protect the workers and they are in place for a reason. In some instances, people have died in order to establish these safety guidelines and practices.
If an individual claim to be a professional in the construction or home inspection industry, the very first thing out of their toolbox as soon as they get out of their vehicle should be evident by their safety first attitude.IF THIS IS NOT THE FIRST THING THEY PUT ON, they should be immediately reminded of the importance of what it means to be a consummate professional.

John Mayo
I would like to speak to the issue of job site safety. This needs to be subject that is not only an individual effort but all people in the area that is being inspected.
When I was involved in a team of electricians preparing to start a project, we would always start each shift with a toolbox safety meeting which included a safety topic, a mandatory sign-in sheet, and dissemination of work assignments and material needed to complete said work and issuance of all safety equipment, both personal and job-specific
in regards to not only our craft but to all crafts that would be working either in concert with us or in an immediate vicinity of our work.
A very detailed mindset kept all of us focused on our mission, but also knowing who was going to be working alongside you, and what they were trying to accomplish. A lot of times, the scope of work intended to be completed was only possible because of direct responsibility to be aware of yourself and the other crafts, because of the communication in the safety meetings.

When working on scaffolding and/or heights, wear the appropriate safety work attire which can include items such as gloves (not loose fitting), a hard hats, personal fall protection equipment, coveralls, safety goggles, and steel toe footwear. If you see possible unsafe conditions within the workplace, notify your supervisor immediately.

Ladder Safety. I did know that an inspector is not required to actually get on the roof to inspect it, and the use of binoculars is permitted to visually inspect the roof. However, I had not heard of the Spectoscope, a special 28-foot telescoping pole that integrates its tripod-mounted camera with your own smartphone, allowing you to see high-definition digital images as you photograph them. This technology greatly improves the quality of the inspection of the roof and decreases the risk of injury and falls.

Exterior Safety for Inspectors

Inspections can be dangerous for inspectors, as well as their clients. Safety equipment should be brought to all inspections to help avoid injury and liability issues.
Be up to date with health and safety practices while working at the exterior of a property, including using the required safety devices and personal protective safety equipment.

Exterior safety for Inspectors

Inspections can be dangerous for inspectors, as well as their clients. Safety equipment should be brought to all inspections to help avoid injury and liability issues.
Be up to date with health and safety practices while working at the exterior of a property, including using the required safety devices and personal protective safety equipment.

The photo is of a scaffold at or just above eight feet off the ground with no railing. Also, the scaffold is at least one foot away from the wall surface that is being worked on. This is an unsafe use of scaffold.

Over 800 construction workers are injured every year with falls being the number 1 cause of injury. OSHA requires that all workers wear some sort of fall protection when they will be subjected to possible falls of 6 or more.

This photo is of the foundation of a two-story home. Upon inspection of the property’s perimeter, I observed exposed rebar on the front corner of the home adjacent to the garage. It is recommended that the exposed rebar be covered with an epoxy in order to prevent further damage to home’s foundation.

After reading “Cockroach Inspection” by Nick Gromicko, I learned some new facts about roaches and I discovered some “facts” I knew about the insect were actually myths. Cockraoches are one if not the most common pests found in homes. There are many species of cockroaches, but they all basically thrive on the same things. Although no building is immune to an infestation, cockroaches are partial to dirty homes where food is readily available. Some tips we as inspectors can give our clients are: using boric acid and bug bombs to kill roaches, keeping food sealed in containers, cleaning and vacuuming the home often, and fixing faucet drips and other sources of water to the insect among others. These difficult to kill, disease-carrying insects can be controlled when the proper steps are taken.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Ladders should be inspected prior to each use and if found to be unsafe tagged with a red out of service tag. Straight ladders should be tied off at the roof if the ground appears to be unstable or it is windy. The tip of all ladders should extend 3 feet above the roofs edge and when climbing it is recommend to have three points of contact.