Originally Posted By: Vince Santos This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello all,
This is my first post on this MB. I plan to use this board to continue my education in the home inspection industry. I am a recent graduate of ITA's Residential Inspection course. While I know certification does not necessarily equate to qualification, I am eager to learn more through books, message boards and hopefully ride alongs. The main reason for this post is to seek out any HI's in the SE Michigan area who might be generous enough to allow me to ride along on some inspections. If you can help me please contact me asap.
Originally Posted By: jburkeson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome Vince,
NACHI is a storehouse of home inspection knowledge and a crucial clearing house for legislative information that is effecting our profession.
Time spent here on the NACHI board will produce fantastic results. If you decide to join us and become a full member you will enjoy many benefits and have access to the members only section which has become a university of marketing for the Home Inspection profession
Joe Burkeson, Certified Inspector
-- Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)
?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Originally Posted By: dfrend This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome! Good luck with everything. If you need any advice, drop me a line. I can discuss the huge benefits of joining NACHI with you. I just joined 6 months ago.
Not all of them use the message board and some that do probably won't open your message because it says nothing about "need ride alongs in SE Michigan" in the subject line.
Originally Posted By: Vince Santos This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the advice
I have contacted several HI in the Michigan area about ridealongs. It seems very difficult to find someone who will allow me to attend an inspection with them.
-- Desire is half of life, indifference is half of death.
--Kahlil Gibran
Originally Posted By: John Bowman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Welcome to NACHI. If you haven't done any inspections yet, it's time to get your feet wet. Can't get any ride alongs, you say. Well so be it. Start by inspecting your own home. Do it 2, 3, or 4 times if you have to in order to get comfortable with your own inspecting system. When your done with your house, try other family, friends, whoever. Do them for free, get your feet wet. Do about 10 or so until you are comfortable with yourself. Don't and I repeat don't do a half a$% job on the inspections.
Inspect your own home, have your significant other act out the role as home buyer. Have her critique your work, attitude, professionalism, etc. Do the same with your family, friends, etc.
How better to get started then showing your family and friends your dedication to the profession. Not only will they help you in any way that they can, but they will have a better understanding of the profession and your skills. Good Luck and don't give up on the hop-a-longs. Someone out there is more than willing to help. Wish I knew someone in that area to recommend, but I don't.
Originally Posted By: dkeough This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree do your friends and family. Do charge them a dollar so that it counts as a fee based inspection. Write the report up as if they were your client also, it will help in how to word things so as not to scare people if not needed
Originally Posted By: SBalen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I also haven’t had any luck finding a ridealong. Never thought to look in the fine a inspector and contact them directly good idea. Think doing your own home over and over along with friends homes would be helpful, to gain confidence think I will do that before my first inspection.
Originally Posted By: Vince Santos This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
ekartal wrote:
Wait until you start inspecting roofs while your driving. My wife is going to have me committed. ![eusa_shifty.gif](upload://rN4l1OcK3R92kuugwdpBnZUyCsg.gif)
Erol Kartal
That's funny
I find myself looking over houses while driving making comments to myself.
Is that an exhaust flue right next to that window?
Wow, whats up with that valley flashing?
Man alive that's a messed up looking HVAC.
OK, so where are the roof vents??
-- Desire is half of life, indifference is half of death.
--Kahlil Gibran