Where’s your contact info go?
Back bottom. Business card fits perfectly over default text (“Bringing Clean Air to Life” paragraph) when your business card is attached level with the bottom of the brochure.
True for our radon brochure too:
This is one Rack card that I would consider utilizing…
…the card refers those reading it to the IAC2 website for more info…
…as with the InterNACHI website, it is geared to INSPECTORS not the general public that you are sending there.
You mentioned a while ago that the IAC2 website will be updated. When will that be?
I would sure like to get these cards in hand with a great website update, a month before National Radon Action Month!
No consumer you hand the rack card to is going to say “Wait… let me look at the website of the indoor air association that you belong to first.”
They just don’t.
It’s fine for IAC2 to be geared toward inspectors, because consumers just aren’t that interested in the websites of the trade associations that you belong to. They, like these rack cards, get consumers to YOUR website.
Posted this in the Radon Rack card thread also.
Just ordered some Nick good timing for me as you know I am concentrating Mold and Radon since I’ve been back.