It all seems like somewhat of a money grab. I came into this with plenty of financial backing and a ton of industry experience. 7 months later and I am looking for another source of income and still waiting another 30 days for my 6th attempt at my exam. It is beyond frustrating. It is financially draining and to be frank and honest. I may be more knowledgeable due to my studying because of the failed attempts. But I am also seeing the many inconsistencies and faults in the home inspection industry. I do not feel pleased with much of my experience during my persuit to he a home inspector. There are many things that should be changed and it’s hard to know where to begin. I know there are experienced and knowledgeable people who could probably point exactly where to start and what needs to change. but, it seems that for now there is a monopoly on the process and i hope that it gets put out of commission. I may have to go through this erroneous process. But if it hasn’t changed after I’ve gained some seniority and experience. Then I will do whatever I can to help make the necessary steps for change. I have gone through 2 certifications with 2 different schools and studied on my own beyond what was provided. I’ve paid for flashcards and study exams. As well as practice tests and memberships. It has cost me well over a couple thousand dollars just in those areas. I honestly feel like I know the subject matter better than most of the current practicing inspectors I’ve met and shadowed. And I’m still not able to get my license because the test learns your weak areas and exploits them. It also gets more difficult depending on what percentage of inspectiors have passed during the previous days. If it’s over 50 percent, It ramps up the difficulty. It took me alot of tracking down the right people and asking the right questions to find that information out. Those things combined with the “best answer” format, are what have tripped me up the most. If I could go back and give myself advice before I started this endeavor. I would say "1. pick a school that seems helpful and fair. 2. Take the test at the beginning of the month. 3. The test is a “best answer’ multiple choice. 4. Read the questions. Then read all if the answers. Read the question again and then pick the answer that you think they want you to pick. 5. Plan to spend the entire 4 hours taking the test and going back over your answers when your done. 6. Don’t let current inspectors fool you into thinking they were anything but lucky for passing when they did because quite frankly. Alot of inspectors are not that knowledgeable and even if they are. They’re not performing they’re intended function as well as they could.”. My biggest mistakes were, taking the exam at the end of the month and then immediately at the 30 day mandatory waiting mark I was in there taking it again at the end of the month l, each time. I was pressuring myself to be quick instead of taking the entire 4 hours allowed. I was judging from current inspectors and how much more knowledge I seemed to have than they do, which led me to believe that if they passed then I surly should. I also took the exam enough times now that it knows exactly where my week areas are and exploits the crap out of them. By the time I’m done I believe I will be reluctant to admit just how defeated ive fealt. internachi instructor Ben Gromicko is in my opinion the most respectable and genuinely qualified individuals If not the most qualified, to be the one who is appointed onto any form of oversighting commission when it comes to home inspections. He is without a doubt, someone who should be leading the way to all things pertaining to education, certification and licensing. Not the current person or people currently assigned for the NHIE. Thank you and good luck to everyone.