Originally Posted By: Danny Armstrong This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks Gerry, This is new here in Virginia. The certification is voluntary (for now). It’s been my experience that it will get harder to get later on so I’m taking it now. I already have a certificate for HVAC mechanical and wish I had gotten the electrical before the current requirement to serve a four year apprenticeship.
Originally Posted By: Danny Armstrong This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’m sorry Don. No not for home inspection, I meant for electrician. It used to be you could take the exam and have a background in the electrical trade and become a licenced electrician. Now they require you serve a four year apprenticeship no matter what!
Originally Posted By: Don West This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Danny,
I was gonna say, things are getting out of hand if you have to do a 4 year electrical apprenticeship to be a home inspector.
I suppose the IBEW probably got the law stiffened up. It's probably a good thing considering how many people in this country are from "far away places" now. One thing we don't want to have is other countries mentality of building practices flooding in as well. Nothing wrong with those folk coming here of course but not learning the proper building practices is a lot different from not learning the language.
At least this requires they learn the right way build. Even if they don't learn the language so well.
Originally Posted By: Dan Musielski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would not be too quick to critcize building practices in other countries. Yes…you need to follow the building practices that are required in the States…However, overseas you often have much tougher requirements than we do here. Everything is 220V50Hz…, England doesnt want their 900 year old building’s burning down. I have known more than one engineer who has come State side, and can’t believe the latitude we have in the building trades. For example…if you see an outlet in a wall, you can tell exactly where the wire come from. They need to drop perfecting veritcal in the wall from the ceiling, and be a specifed depth behind the plaster.
Originally Posted By: Dan Musielski This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey Don…
It's usually more fun to mess around with what with what we don't know best!!! It keep's life interesting! It's like dating a female bodybuilder...most of have never done it...but if one came knocking at our door...we would probably invite her in!! OK ...bad analogy..but you get my point!
Originally Posted By: Don West This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yes I get your point. But stick to inspecting
Don’t quit your day job to become an analogy writer…hehe
You're right though. I spend more time calling myself a boob and laughing at my own antics than I care to admit.
If I didn't think I understood, what I don't understand, I'd miss all that entertainment value I provide to myself.