Has anyone taken the sample NHIE exam? (50 questions, 50 dollars)

I have took the full exam 8 months ago, and failed (437).

I paid for, and took the practice exam, after studying more, and it told me passing was a 70, and I made a 76.

Trying to decide if I am ready to take the exam again. Thoughts? Suggestions?


If you’re asking that question, then it is likely that you are not ready to take the test again.

This is the way I look at it. If I think I can pass the test, then I’m not ready. When I know I can pass the test, then I’m ready.

Not saying there isn’t still a lot to learn.

Good luck.

Why even bother? Did they (EBPHI) con your state into requiring it, or do you think this will somehow distinguish you as a qualified home inspector for some reason?


My state requires the NHIE.

I also took the $50 pretest test.

It was a waste of money IMHO.

I lurked here at NACHI for a while and took the NACHI test several times as preparation for sitting for the NHIE.

When I could take the test and get above 90 with ease I took the NHIE and passed with no problem.

There is a wealth of information on this site and depending on your background and training it will serve you well in preparation.

If you identify some weak areas in your knowledge, avail yourself of the free and paid training available on this site.

Good luck and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

You will find most the members here to be very helpful.