Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
R.Z. engaged in a conversation with a staff hourly employee by email which evolved more than it should have. In an effort to get her fired, he violated her trust, took her private comments and posted them, creating a malicious thread with them in the members-only section where he knew her manager, her employer, and every other member could read them. When she realized that he was posting her private comments for all the world to see, she freaked out and tried tried to stop him by deleting his files. Unfortunately her private comments remained public until we could get both permission from NACHI’s executive members and technical ability to remove them.
As you all know, I am the message board's strongest advocate for freedom of speech here and even the biggest NACHI bashers all admit that I fight to keep the message board free and open (provided no crimes are being committed)
NACHI staff fields nearly 500,000 emails a year. Only this morning, two members of NACHI who are also direct competitors in a small town, dragged NACHI staff into their email arguments. We as an association believe that it is in the best interest of all members if staff is free to communicate with members frankly in situations like this and others. If any member took the unethical and likely illegal step of intercepting and posting these private exchanges, this frankness would likely come to an end, and we as an association would be poorer for it. Well, believe it or not, some jackass did just that.
This was a first for NACHI. Unfortunately, I have never had or sought admin function access to this message board (I'm an ideologue when it comes to free speech), so I couldn't delete this violation in time.
Anyway, this poor gal works hard for NACHI members every day. Her job is not easy and she works long hours. I believe any member who publicizes the private conversations of one of our hourly staff employees should be killed, or at least tarred and feathered. I understand this same jackass has now even gone as far as posting portions of their private conversation in open-to-all sections of the message board.
By the way, his attempt failed and she did not get fired. Fortunately for her I look on the bright side of things. Yesterday we had a young, dumb, loose-lipped employee... today we have a young, smart, discreet one (same gal) 
Nick Gromicko
I much prefer email to private messages.