NJ NACHI and Inspection21 School forms partnership!

Originally Posted By: phinman
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There is a link to our site that on one of the 2 private schools approved by the DOE in New Jersey.

www.inspection21.com Look under " Why home incpestion"

I met with the owner of the school and we are working on details to help each other in the industry.

The school will be providing teachers for our CEU program, both at our monthly meeting and in April if needed to help licensed inspectors meet their CEU requirements by the April 30 deadline.

The owner share the same commitment as NACHI to education and I am looking forward to a long and lasting relationship with the school.

Phillip R. Hinman

Originally Posted By: phinman
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BTW, the name of the onwer is Mike Fitzpatrick. He is not the Mike Fitzpatrick on the NJ Home Inspection Advisory Board!

Just thought I would let the NJ guys know that!

Phillip R. Hinman

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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This is great news, not only for NJ inspectors, but for all NACHI members.

Please e-mail me the details, and I will help you with the NACHI CE approval process.

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: dbowers
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Phillip -

I went to their site. I really saw no significant inspection experience or background. Every 4th word was engineering, engineering, engineering. Then they talked about history as telecommunication specialists, attorneys, engineering, etc. I didn't see much to whet my appetite???

Originally Posted By: jfarsetta
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For this form to be approved by the State of NJ for this course is no small accomplishment.

The site says the course was developed/delivered with an engineers point of view. Why wouldnt this intrigue someone. No, forget that. Any inspector who needs the formal training in NJ ewasnts to get it done as quickly as possible, at a reasonable rate. This, in and of itself, makes folks look for alternate education providers.

As to the slant this firm puts on things, they offer instructors with some backgrounds in relevent areas. For instance, there are PEs developing and teaching the course, along with electrical engineer, plumbing contractor, etc. Not a bad idea.

The founder is indeed a telecom/Internet person, which will allow him to deliver the courses via distance-learning technologies. Not a bad thing.

Again, previous to this, private schools teaching the State Certifying course was almost non-existent in NJ.

We will, of course, validate their claims. But, this is definitely a good thing.

Joe Farsetta

Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."

Originally Posted By: phinman
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Some of the engineers at Inspection21 have done and are still doing Home Inspections.

I have been through the NJ course taught by HI's. It was not good at times! Hometime videos, unfinished Powerpoint presenatations etc made my experience very forgettable!

At the NJ school, one guy sat there and read from the book! Not one that I recall had any teaching background. I asked the owner of the school I attended about the required qualifications and he told me that he could hire whoever he wanted and he did just that!

Dan, the best thing about this alliance will be our input as HI's to help Mike Fitzpatrick develop the courses and presentations for his school. He has been shunned by the powers to be and certainly is looking for industry input as most schools do. Educators value industry input and Mike has checked out our site and is looking forward to our assistance.

He has his own "House of Horror's" just about ready to go!

This is a great opportunity for all parties to take education in NJ to another level!

Please support our efforts and as always any suggestions are welcome and will be considered!
