No drip cap flashing on roof

New house had no rake or gable drip edge flashing installed, builder said he wasn’t putting it on because there was no code in Johnson County. I said its a building standard to put it on. I think the buyers are going to walk. Its a crazy world out there.




Tell him to have a look at the shingle manufacturer’s installation standards.

What Chuck said! Always look for what the manufacturer requires or recommends - that’s whats supposed to be done for an installation.

Usually required by the shingle manufacturer’s installation instructions. That being said, lack of drip edge would not make me walk away from a house.

The Tennessee State Fire Marshall has adopted minimum building standards to be used in areas not covered by an AHJ requirement. These can be found here with a timeline of dates they adopted various versions.

If this is new construction then it falls under the 2009 IRC and 2012 IBC. These are the sections that cover this and that he is to use dripedge flashings. Note as others have stated it is to be installed per the manufacturer’s requirements and all have required them.



Dripedge flashings have long been recognized as needed and required. It wasn’t until the 2012 IRC that they specifically named them in R905.2.8.5.