So I inspected this brick home and I see this sometimes and never have brought up the conversation. This is to me … well it seems to be bad engineering. I know some people like “all” brick. But well let me first show the pictures.
This is the scenario where the second floor brick is not above a first floor brick wall, There are not weep holes because there is not brick ledge. The flashing is let into the brick and mortared in place. We had rain about 24 hours previous. Notice the moisture?
My thought is to recommend gutters so that rain is not washing over the wall first of all. Other places have the counter flashing let into the brick and caulked which to me is better right?
I did not see moisture with a Flir E4 that I could tell or sense moisture with an Extech Pinless moisture meter on the inside of the home.
Going to bed will catch up tomorrow afternoon.
In most cases efflorescence is simply a cosmetic issue.
It can be an indication of a chronic moisture issue.
I say that these walls are not continuous because they end over top of a room, instead of continuing to the slab. So, if the water is getting behind the brick, and there are no weep holes, how is this being flashed to keep the water out of the interior walls and ceilings below?
Here is another picture from a different house. Same issue on a dry summer day.
As you can see of the roof that is above the patio and kitchen kook area, That brick wall ends in attic space above the bay window eating area.