Non-professional flashing

Found this in today’s inspection. I consider it a non-professional flashing. My thought is that water can get beneath the attempted apron flashing on the side thus nullifying the application. I was hoping for some insight as to what I’m looking at. My current commentary is “Flashing installed in a non-professional manner. No guarantees can be made to the quality or durability of work performed. Recommend evaluation by a qualified roofer.”

Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Looks like they used clear bathroom caulk to seal it to the brick.

IMO you made the right call.


Proper flashing should have been installed under the brick veneer when first set. If it wasn’t, this a poor attempt to correct it.

Anthony, one option here:

The flashing was installed in a non-professional manner and it WILL leak. It is just a matter of when.

Caulking should not be used on roofing materials and face nailing flashing is problematic and a continual maintenance issue.

I recommend a qualified roofing contractor make corrections as necessary.

This is a short informative video on flashing installation:



Hey guys, Thanks for the feedback. The video was short and to the point; very informative. I had forgotten about the step flashing. I see apron flashing being used as step flashing all the time.

That’s not good… :flushed:

You should never say that, because it implies you are offering a warranty on other observations you made.

You never should offer a warranty, even for stuff that looks perfect.

Look up “reglet flashing”


Hey Bryce, Thanks for the feedback. I never considered the counter implication of the statement. I’ll need to figure out a way to say that the work can be considered questionable.

No, I never offer a warranty on any aspect of the inspection.

Thanks for the tip on reglet flashing. I’ll need to do some research.

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Opinion…Not bad.
Not tied into masonry, might be short but it works for me.

The brick sidewall flashing was substandard and may be prone to leaking.

Ever hear the terminology… “…Expressed or Implied…”?

Just sayin’.

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Looks as though the flashing was an after thought. Perhaps after they developed a leak at that location. Clearly an amatuer installation that I would recommend be evaluated by a qualified roofing contractor.


Actually, yes, I have heard the terminology “…Expressed or Implied…” . Why?

As I mentioned to Brian “I never considered the counter implication of the statement.” My statement to Brian would imply (express, but not directly express) that I had not considered the application of a warranty on things not specifically mentioned.

I get your point. Thanks.