Is this for a plumbing vent, A downspout cleanout, An electrical…
The bathroom was on the inside wall & I thought they may be trying to vent.
Any help would be appreciated.
Looked like a unhandyman attempt for something I am not so sure off.
The downspout extension boot has been replaced thats why I thought they may be marking a clean out. My guess is that it is a bad attempt at a plumbing vent.
Dave, in the crop of your photo the pipe in question looks to be part of tent or something originally made in sections as it is swedged on the end to receive the next section. Not at all sure what the black piece is between that and the white PVC(seal, bushing?) with the cap on it. In any case I agree that it is a handyman’s special attempt at something. I’m sure it made sense to him. If you can’t determine where it enters the sturcture for some addtional clues, just disclaim it as unkown and move on.