$1,250.00 for the inspection. No Checks! Cash, in person, on site… or PayPal with an additional 30% (of the total) Handling Fee for the “Additional Payment Service”, PLUS a Service Fee of 10% (of the total) for Transaction Admin/Handling Fees.
Payment is required paid Five business Days (M-F) prior to the day of inspection. No exceptions.
I’m not sure about Florida, but in Ohio, which is a licensed state, it’s stated in the law that I have to have a signed contract in place before stepping foot on a property with the intentions of inspecting it.
Was this a listed house for sale? Was this a FSBO?
If it was listed, I schedule through ShowingTime for confirmation and access instructions, if not ShowingTime the through the LA.
If it was a FSBO where a client contacted me directly, I will ALWAYS contact the property owner to get confirmation and access instructions from them.
Did you contact anyone for confirmation and access instructions?
I’m in business Jeffrey and doing quite well, thank you. Started my business as a safety valve for a 20-year corporate world, after a 26-year Navy career flying P-3 aircraft.
If you don’t want to believe a true story told play-by-play, then don’t. Appreciate your preaching-down advice.
Just wanted to make sure all you guys were aware of this, and didn’t know it had been previously reported as I stay pretty busy and don’t visit here often. Since this was Old News to begin with I’m sorry I visited and left the message.
I have no Chinese website, tough guy. I’ve already stated what happened there after many years my IX host quit and sold the domain; the website was discarded. I have a pretty strong online presence and not worried about forum members like yourself drawing all kinds of ridiculous conclusions regarding my business. Here’s a sample report that is real Jeffrey: www.reporthost.com/pristinehi/Sample5
Yes Jeffrey, I’m setting everybody up for a scam. You got me, Mr. Holmes
Randy Moore
Owner, Pristine Inspections, LLC
I will. I now have 2 3rd-party generated reports that aren’t nearly as good as my original, and a sample inspeftion report that shows folks what they’ll get: http://www.reporthost.com/pristinehi/Sample5
Kinda like that last one since I did it all
Randy Moore
Owner, Pristine Inspections, LLC
Home was for sale, owner lied saying it wasn’t it clearly was. The homeowner was a piece of work. Yelling at me about jail, blocked my truck in with his car. When I asked him why a Supra box on the door, his reply “It’s personal”. Obviously something going on with this guy. The more I think of it the more I realize he may have been an important part of the scam, probably to sue the inspector
The scammer stated it was on Supra, I drove up and saw that it was and I have a code
I abandoned the inspection before completing anything other than exterior and roof, no interior and no garage
Been thru many financial scams, ID theft, etc but inspection scheduling scam was new to me until yesterday. The cops on scene told me this was a real estate scam. No trouble with the local sheriffs they were great. I posted in the forum to warn others.
Could be. I don’t know. All I know is that I would never show up for an inspection where contact has not been made between me and the listing agent and/or sellers. I use ShowingTime for the most part to make that contact. On FSBO deals, I ask for the sellers name and contact info and reach out to them to make sure everything is okey dokey.
If you are super busy, I know some of these things can slip through the cracks though. Just glad you weren’t arrested and the scammer didn’t get anything!
No way I would consider entering a home without contacting the listing agent. That is serious wackery. If I were the homeowner, I would also be pissed off!
No one’s business but his. You were in error entering that home without prior contact and approval.
Here in GA, they have a safeguard against this issue. Vendors such as home inspectors have to receive a code from the agent in order to access the SupraKey.
I’ve had a number of those types. Not a law to have a realtor, that’s the buyer’s choice. In my case I’m fairly certain that the “homeowner” was also part of the scam. He was like an actor on a stage, very rehearsed.
The purpose of my msg on the board was to alert people that something I’ve never heard of, scheduling scams are now real. Really don’t care for all the flack I got from the armchair experts on the board, the most vocal ones are the guys that haven’t seen a toolbag or camera in a while. I’ve had a good run on my business for 18 years now, 3000+ inspections and won’t be doing it much longer, time to get a bigger boat
Randy Moore
Owner, Pristine Inspections, LLC
No, they’re not. They’ve been around for years!
I literally get at least two every week!
If you paid more attention to this MB, you would see a near constant stream of all the different scams attacking this industry!
I have been an inspector since 1989. Your type of scam that hit you has been going on since early 2000 when internet for inspections started really kicking in.
It’s not new. I learned that if they dont provide a realtor name for transaction it’s time to say adios.
The scam that is popular is when they say on an email or text how am i doing, do you by chance be available for an inspeciton 3 weeks from now but they dont provide address. I dont even reply to those at all because if you reply a virus may be introduced into your computer. I learned that in a cyber security webinar, so be careful about that one,
Will Kading 951-300-8396
Master Building Inspection & Environmental Inspector & Environmental Consultant
Home, Manufactured & Commercial Inspections, Mold and Indoor Air Quality Analysis
Radon Measurement Specialist - State of California & NRSB #22SS005 Certified
Serving Southern California since 1989