Offer meth testing without a laboratory.

WOW another reason to be a member.

I just came across this NACHI member website (Metro Denver Colorado)/ $15.00 test kit:-;;

Free meth residue swab testing on request with regular inspection](
Meth Residue Test Kit
Detect minute residue from meth manufacture or use. This test kit is the same test that is used by DEA for a quick assessment. Cleaning a meth lab]( may be a nightmare. Know when to walk away from a house with this 10 second test. These kits are always in stock and are shipped by first class mail on the business day following order. Postage included $15.00 USD

Each kit comes with two tests. Simply swab a porous area that has not been repainted with the swab. Insert the swab into the reagent bottle. If it turns blue or purple within 10 seconds amphetamine or methamphetamine residue is indicated.
This is not a definitive test. A positive result indicates that an industrial hygienist who specializes in meth lab clean up should be contacted for further evaluation. Signs it might be a meth house
Order Now Using Credit Card Through PayPal

I reviewed this website awhile ago. A few differences, the Drug Detective Kit offers the testing of 6 different drug contaminations in the property. Also, I could not find the sensitivity level of the kit. I believe the test shown here uses a reagent system, which means the sensitivety level is not very high. We test for Meth at 50 billionths of a gram per ml…

Kris, how much is lab-testing? You mention it in the video (good one, BTW!).
I don’t want to be the final one to have my butt hanging out over a “blown deal”-
That’s the best reason to have a lab make the final say-so (I’m in my 3rd year of meth testing services; among the 1st NACHI members to offer it).

Hi Russ,

What lab are you using, if you don’t mind me asking?


Are you using the above mentions test kit?

I just came across this NACHI member website (Metro Denver Colorado)/ $15.00 test kit:-;;

Free meth residue swab testing on request with regular inspection](
Meth Residue Test Kit
Detect minute residue from meth manufacture or use. This test kit is the same test that is used by DEA for a quick assessment. Cleaning a meth lab]( may be a nightmare. Know when to walk away from a house with this 10 second test. These kits are always in stock and are shipped by first class mail on the business day following order. Postage included $15.00 USD

Each kit comes with two tests. Simply swab a porous area that has not been repainted with the swab. Insert the swab into the reagent bottle. If it turns blue or purple within 10 seconds amphetamine or methamphetamine residue is indicated.
This is not a definitive test. A positive result indicates that an industrial hygienist who specializes in meth lab clean up should be contacted for further evaluation. Signs it might be a meth house
Order Now Using Credit Card Through PayPal

Hey, DuffMeister!
I’m cranking away to break into comm’l, so I pay a lot of attn to you . . .

Mike Cooper - Structural Narcotics Detection Service – had been in Kalispell MT but has recently moved to the Bozeman area. He does not have his website or email set up again, but can be called. He has a course you take before using his lab services, to be certified to do the sampling. I’ve always been happy with his service; tell him Russ sent you!
Mike Cooper
P.O. Box 556
Belgrade MT, 59714


Cheap swab tests are available here. They don’t give you any legal documentation, but are cheap enough to help you figure out WHERE to do the lab swab tests. Also, my experience is that these may give you false positives or false negatives. When you’ve got a home purchase hinging on your say-so, that’s a lot of liability to assume. That’s why I use Mike’s lab.

Thanks Russ,

I was thinking about using them for Hotels, Multi-Family properties, etc.

There would probably be a pretty good demand, and an investor buying a commercial property usually has a 90 day due diligence period so the testing would be in the time frame, and I doubt even if anything was found they would back out of a deal, unless of course something really bizarre came back…but the tests would certainly lessen their likelihood of a lawsuit…especially from some of the rat-nest hotels I have inspected lately.

Keep a handful of the cheapos with you, Dale, & that’ll give you backup to recommend lab testing . . .

10-4…thank you----you have me thinking----:smiley:

Refreshing, Dale-
Anytime your brain f@rts overflow, pass me some ideas -

Dale & Russ,
My experience with clients requesting Meth testing is that they want a legit report back depicting the findings. This month I had two calls for testing. However, I’m still looking for a reputable lab and a good kit that can be use. Any thoughts? I do not want to have the liability, taking a sample with a kit that I will be interpreting the results, unless is backup with lab results.-X You should always cover your rear.:|.)

John, did you see my post #8, above, & Mike Cooper’s lab?

Russ, Yes I did;
Do you have an e-mail or website for this lab. I tried to search and can not find anything. I’m looking for a company just like that. Thanks!

John, Mike runs sorta low-key that way, but his service is top notch.
He delivers reports via fax, & I use, so I get it as a PDF.
Give him a call!

Kris, there are a number of members who are open to checking out labs that can provide lab reports at $45 or less . . .

Hi Russell… My dealings with lab confirmation is in the law enforcement area. I am checking on this and will post more information in a day or so. I recommend that the inspector hold onto the remaining solution, tape it, bag it and label it in case you need confirmation. It is extra money you don’t need to spend unless something goes wrong. These tests are extremely accurate. Our biggest concern is if the trace amount we are finding is to sensitive. The mechanics of the test don’t allow for false positives. I hope that answers the question…

Kris, do you have a form/report type/letter head that can be used to put together a formal report with the results of the test. I’m looking for documentation that can be provided to the client as a formal report. Charging $120.00 for (1) test (several locations) and maybe $250.00 for the report/travel/time spent & screening = $370.00 sound like a job well done\:D/ . Further investigation if required at an additional cost. Do you get my point.

Many people are just afraid in purchasing a home (foreclosure) that has been used as a lab. So they want accurate and informative formal type of documentation to make the decision.

Your thoughts?:roll:



HI John,

I think you are right on track with your numbers… I don’t have anything in the form of reports. I will see what I can get together with Nick over the next few days… Kris